Everything New in Alpha 21 7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

The game has NEVER been this good! The game has been completely transformed with an overhauled appearance, improved progression system, and tons of refreshing quality of life changes that’s sure to revitalize the game! Join me for my exclusive coverage of the update!

▶️Episode 1 of my NEW Alpha 21 Series: https://youtu.be/wbtMkpLgPZg

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7 Days to Die Guides and Tutorials:
▶️Loot Explained: https://youtu.be/EWhQDCSSvl8
▶️Alpha 21 Patch Notes: https://youtu.be/fs7MoqrmZnI
▶️Beginner’s Guide: https://youtu.be/XtPjAi_Syd8
▶️Heat, Hordes, and Gamestage: https://youtu.be/htqW2Ne9aZ8
▶️Top 50 Tips and Tricks: https://youtu.be/LAWycSLobCw
▶️Is 7 Days to Die Worth A Buy?: https://youtu.be/3HW7vrNUUkM
▶️Horde Base Tips: https://youtu.be/ToBtf1lqIDw
▶️How to Install Mods: https://youtu.be/lxectlQYLwQ
▶️How to Build a Bedrock Base: https://youtu.be/RXVOyrHUeKE

Other Links:
🎮 FRAG Servers: https://bit.ly/3BXUTc5 👈High Quality Gaming Servers
📋 Playlists: https://bit.ly/3WDW6ir
🎵 Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio: https://www.youtube.com/c/whitebataudio

0:00 Intro
0:13 New Art
0:33 New Workstations
0:51 Weapons and Tools
1:14 Doors and Windows, and Shapes
1:40 Lighting and Reflections
1:56 Thick44 Flags
2:14 New POIs
2:48 Four New Tier 5 POIs
3:02 Upgraded Tier 4 POIs
3:29 POI Names and Difficulty Indicator
4:29 Trader Compounds
4:44 Secret Stash Removed & Better Barter Changed
5:00 Trader Inventory and Traderstage
5:32 New Vending Machines and Candy
6:00 New Infestation Quest Type
6:40 Trader Specialties
6:55 Sexy T-Rex Removal and Rebalance
7:16 Flurry of Blows Removal and Rebalance
7:34 Daring Adventurer Change
7:49 Quest Rewards
7:58 New Progression System: Learn By Reading
10:02 Random World Generation Improvements
10:22 Drinking Water Rebalance
10:58 The Dew Collector
11:21 The Water Filter
11:40 How To Have Your Dew Collector Inside
12:16 Drinking From Environmental Water
12:27 Environmental Water Improvement
12:57 Vehicle Fragility, Ramming, and Repair
13:21 Spears Buffed
13:43 Pipe Baton Buffed
13:51 New Lumberjack Sounds
13:59 No More Wires
14:03 New Dismemberment
14:09 Zombies Eat Dead Animals
14:11 Hatch Changes
14:21 Crafting Quality Options
14:30 Pin Recipes Feature and Harvest Indicators
14:41 New HUD Option
14:48 Chunk Reset Option
15:07 Mutated Zombie Special Attack
15:15 Crawler and Dog Giggle Tech
15:21 Loot Bags from Wandering Hordes
15:25 Gamestage Calculation Change
15:44 Navezgane Map Improvements
15:56 Performance Comparison to Alpha 20
17:07 Thank you to TFP and My Pitch to You
17:49 Bloopers!


Taqs:alpha 21 7 days to die,7 days to die update news,7 days to die a21 update news,7 days to die a21 news,7 days to die alpha 21 news,7 days to die update,7 days to die alpha 21 release date,7 days to die izprebuilt,7 days to die alpha 21 dev diary,7 days to die news,7 days to die alpha 21 update news,7 days to die a21 update,7 days to die alpha 21 plans,update 7 days to die alpha 21,7 days to die alpha 21,7 days to die alpha 20,news 7 days to die alpha 21


  • コメント (1419)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • Guns, Nerds, and Steel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You can expect livestreams from me over the Streamer Weekend event and daily video uploads over the next month or so!

    Friday Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/4p52YEIEfjg?feature=share
    Saturday Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/Mc5fuWTUOfg?feature=share

    • Drakey
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank you for very cool game!

    • SnabbSpelare
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They shouldn’t have removed Secret Stash. That was messed up! Remove that perk or at least make it way cheaper if not free.

    • Destiny Pedigo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Soooo… What’s the deal with consoles not Being touched.

    • james verone
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Ti bsd they abandoned consoles

    • Leon Reaper
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I hope this comes to PS5 consoles

    • Patrick Dunning
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    A decent update for sure but the draw distance is absolutely terrible now 🙁

    • pigeon
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is anyone using a laptop for 7 days to die

    • ronald white
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    thank you . ( 2023 / July / 08 )

    • AgingSquid
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I hate this update because now I need to find 50 books so I can upgrade my stone axe which is bull when it makes leveling almost useless for a builder.

    • Alicat xxoo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Something wierd i noticed that i havent before a21 is i have 4 trader jens in my world

    • Tapio perälä
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Learn by reading? 6/5 👏👏❤️❤️
    Also, the whole A21 feels like 7D2D has been re-invented. Absolutely brilliant version of an already best-in-class game ❤
    I feel another 1500 hours coming in…

    • Nedim Mrsic
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    r.i.p. Thick44.. 😢

    • HaveFun 37g
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hi, anyone knows why i have problem with servers ? Or are not servers anymore, or i have an issue to the game, because i find around 200 servers which more than 180 – 190 are with 0 players, and just few have few players with big lag… please anyone can tell me why ? Thank you.

    • Stromn83
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    and the game is still trash

    • Ryan Pettit
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This man is killing it right now. Keep up the good work

    • Jacob Higins
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hate magazines. That used to be balanced, now its too hard on the player. Should not have to get a magazine for a bow and arrow. No dopamine

    • Dakure
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Never played the game before, but after seeing this major overhaul to many aspects of the game, especially the graphics improvement, makes me eager to try the game after hearing so much about it. I also like the fact that the devs seems to listens to their community. Looks very promising for the future!

    • ok mate
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    the game finally looks decent. i dont mind nonrealistic styles of grainy styles but the last textures just looked uncared of rather than stylistic choice

    • Ossie Dunstan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    unimpressive rig mate, but awesome vid.

    • Goose
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    well looks like me and my buddies are re installing 7 days

    • Envy LP
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Your little joke on staying in the base, that’s why people are hating on you guys. You got to stop telling people how to play your game. Let people have fun how ever they want. You also make it sound like this game will be alpha forever btw.

    • JJokerMoreau
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I think the learn by reading is a terrible idea. It locks you out of what you want to do. I’m fine with it in a general sense, but there should be a way to *specifically* get *exactly* what you want. A comparison is Diablo 3, a game I’ve said, over and over, has TERRIBLE customization. Wait. What? TERRIBLE CUSTOMIZATION?! Surely you jest! … Yes. Terrible fucking customization. Because, while at the very end when you have everything you could argue it has GREAT customization, for everything before that… it’s garbage. Want to do a specific playstyle? Too fucking bad. You’re going to have to go the playstyle you have the set pieces for. In much the same way, restricting access to specific crafting recipes could force you to play something you really don’t want to; I don’t like that.

    • Anthony Bills
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Damn, this review is so good, I thought you were part of the dev team

    • Coopa1oop
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Complete noob here, do updates simultaneously release on pc and console or will I have to wait for this on console?

    • FallenSol
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Who even cares anymore?

    • John Smith
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    shit update from shit devs, how much they paid you?

    • BigCountry
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I thought navasgane was supposed to have all the new pois but i have went corner to corner and dont see several like the nursing home vanity tower and several others

    • Alpha_Butch
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Awesome video. It’s really informative to me as I don’t like reading through all the patch notes. Definitely gained me as a subscriber. Look forward to your next videos.

    I was very hesitant with the water change, but after taking 8 days (in game) to get my head around the changes, I definitely feel this update was well needed. I love the reading of books, I think it’s a great change all round. I’m definitely finding POI’s more difficult, which is great. Alpha 20 became too easy being able to get late game loot early. The only thing I hated but have got around is sexy Rex being gone. I don’t think it was a change in the wrong direction anymore. Just needed some time to get used to the changes.

    Thanks again for the video. I loved it.

    • Wilder
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I think the changes they did by removing sexual tyrannosaurus makes sense, and are better for that progression, but I’ll miss the name. Probably my favorite name in the game.

    Game looks better in general, although the tiles on either side of the road around 10:04 look awful. The ground looks so unrealistic there. Wish they could work on that a little.

    Overall it looks like a lot of improvement. I really like they’re trying to make everything look a little better, making progression a little cleaner, and reducing some of the item clutter (water bottles).

    • Paralax Cero
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    thanks bro. your vids are awesome

    • Jesse Cruz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Test a large city. Im getting 50 fps on a 4080 down to 20 on horde nights. Real bad

    • Personal Wurm
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Rekt: Seeds, food, and unnecessary sass.

    • DrDoomDogg
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Very helpful video, thanks a lot. God damn I was on the fence about getting back into this game, but thanks to you im getting on right after this video lmao

    • Og maco Sheesh
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i was sad my alpha 20 seed was no longer playable, but this update is like a new game.

    • NoName Cast
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    fps check was with 4090?) Or how we can know about performance with this cold numbers 80 fps, 90 fps.

    • Futurewillow
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow this game has come a long way ❤

    • jeanius
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    the last update would be probably be food, detail of the food, detailed food eating, i hope.

    • DeadAimBow
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They really need to rework farming…

    • Sasha Vandal
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The LEAVE LIKE in the hotbar made me laugh. Like obtained 🙂

    • Steven Tadman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • scorpz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wish my cousin couldve been here to play this with him again this update is awesome

    • Talk&Game
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    My absolute favorite points of A21 is the new learning system and the infested clear quest. Dont have to rely so heavily on RNG to get upgraded weapons armor and tools. Infested Quests gives you more zombies to kill (main point of the game yeah?) and gives you a special additional ammo box at the end of it and allows you to get Level 5 quest rewards exploring a Level 4 building. Love it.

    • Wonderbrow
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    playing solo on hardest diff. I used to fill my hotbar with spears. You’d charge it up. then switch to the next. each time. then you just swap to it and it auto throws it.

    • Harald Töpfer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video, but the devs did note make this update “for free”. The game is not fully released and so every update was prepaid by us early access supporters

    • k9vdimmest
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This update is really amazing it makes the game feel new, but there are some things that I’ve been wanting for a long time:

    – The main thing I want is some actual optimization. Because when playing with a friend and as we explore the skyscraper we both get like 40 fps and it can dip to as low as 25fps (we both have 3090’s, I’ve got an i5 13600k (they have a 5800x) and we both have 16gb’s of ram) the performance is great outside the city but in the city it’s not a very enjoyable experience.

    – Animation overhaul. The animations on the zombies are great but they are very repetitive, I would love to see some unique random changing patterns on the zombies just to make the game seem more realistic and make it harder to counter the zombies. The player animations and models really do need some work as they have very unnatural movements and don’t look like they have been updated for a LONG time, but you’ll only notice that if you’re playing with someone.

    – Maybe add some other humans other than the traders, I heard about some potential raiders that might’ve been in development for this alpha 21 update but obviously nothing came of that rumor but seeing some other humans maybe even other settlers would make the game more interesting (maybe even add some lore to the game like who is flying the plane that sends the airdrops and where its coming from)

    – Also some updated gun models and better animations for them for more realistic ones would be sick but that’s just my preference

    Other than that this update is great and I like seeing the pimps team still working on this game.

    • OddZzyy ?
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I love this game

    • Black Richard
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Nice! Lots of detail!

    • Galbrain
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video, but i have a really bad taste at the end where you’re saying: “thank the devs for this FREE update”. I mean, it’s an early access game. We bought the game under the premise that we test the game and give feedback so they can finish the game. I don’t think they are deserving any kind of special praise for a game which is in EA for literally 10 years…

    • Zsombor Toth
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What zombie HP mód you use and can you create a videó how tó install the mód I love you videó ❤❤

    • Tema Jericho
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Молодцы разработчики, видно что деньги все отрабатывают, GOOD JOB !!!

    • Jimmy Mathiesen
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I love the tribute to thick, almost gave me a tear

    • goodtimebear1
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I have a question – you can fill the metal bucket up with water. But you cant drink from it and if you put it a way or back into your inventory it become empty. why? When there a new mod that you can put on your helmet that makes murky water safe to drink. And why can I fill the bucket up with water if I can’t use it for anything? Dont get me wrong I like the new up date I just wish I could move near a lake or Pawn or pool in game and boil the water and storage it in one of those water dispenser or water cooler and why not just change the jar’s to something like the Mineral water or better yet just ads old military canteens that the players can carry so many of. but the new up date is good and it nice to see it get a big up date like this

    • Мир игр в 4К
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    а ты поставь добычу и опыт на 25 процентов, посмотрим как ты будешь плавать в воде

    • laurentiu pula
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    great more dumb@ss stupid birds

    • Sierra Squires
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    are we ever going to be able to have eyebrows on our characters? or will they remain squiggles?

    • R B
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I never thought I’d see the say where TFP actually fixed the absolutely busted water physics that has been an issue for so many years.

    • magma2680
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    man i feel like sexual tyranosaurus removal and the changing of every perk to give you stamina reduction in just that item feels less rpg-like, you won’t be as excited to reach a higher level becaue you’ll just be able to max out sledgehammer and then avoid all the other weapon perks as their benefits would be marginal. with sexual tyranosaurus you at least had something that would give you an increase in everything and would be something satisfying to have as it would make everything easier, with this new change, it feels like a partial advancement rather than a comprehensive advancement in your character.

    • Imperial Motors
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Samurai Pipotchi
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They removed sexual tyrannosaurus? I’m uninstalling and demanding a refund.

    • Tom Delonge
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i wish council would update… 🙁

    • Jhon M
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    oh, cool, It’s on sale now, I’ll give it a try

    • Yuagiin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Gotta disagree with the water thing, the water filter cost 2200 dukes for us, not 1500. It makes barely any water unless you’re constantly dying to save up more and it’s honestly just really frustrating having a base right next to a river but the character being too stupid to boil the water from there, instead relegating himself to drinking exclusively boiled toilet water for no reason.

    I can understand making the jars rarer, something you can’t craft and you don’t get it back from drinking murky water (broken seal) or mineral water (plastic bottle) but not at all is terribly unrealistic and unfun.

    On a slightly unrelated note, kinda lame that the dew collector doesn’t accelerate when it’s raining. If it produced more water conditionally it might be less frustrating to go through all those dukes (more than I got cracking an atm at the outdoor cinema) for almost no water.

    • Vrand
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I think that the “Red Mesa Facility” is definetly a reference to the Black Mesa Facility in Half-Life 1 😂

    • Sunpacker
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Aremna
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Relying on “magazine collection” has the big issue of immersion breaking. Not to mention the massive amount of inventory it will take up when you try to collect for someone else. Ultimately, the skill trees should be progressed by *doing* if you cook, you get better at cooking. If you shoot, you get better at shooting with that. That is the gold standard that players want. Overall the skill trees are the weakest part of this game. Picking any tree locks you in with several aspects you might not even have an interest in. It would be better off separating character “stats” : “Strength, agility, intellect, etc…” into their own thing or tie them into a skill tree based on *role* Collector roles, Builder Roles, Fighter, medical roles. Things that encourage and permit more hybrid and flexible builds.

    • Calob Urquidi
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    the game seems to merciful now. too giving. I hope the difficulty setting alters chances to make it more difficult to craft, find, explore, and rewards.

    • NO
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    how the fuck is this game still in ALPHA

    • David Cadderly
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Earned my subscription! 😉 Thanks for the comprehensive walkthrough.

    • DarkOverDarkCh.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank You 🙂

    • Ted James
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Have you got a small peepee?

    • Nekys Acherontios
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    what exactly do you mean they made it for free? this is a game in development, i think even the worst moneygrabbers would not dare ask for money for an alpha update

    • Wulfnstein
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Very informative, there’s a lot of cool new upgrades, definitely building a moat now. However I’m a little bit sad that I won’t be a sexy T-rex anymore.

    • Matt Mattigan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    RIP Thick.

    • Tahaan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank you for a well edited, action filled vid. Subscribed.

    • Michael Macha
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    OK. I’m trusting TFP on this one. I’ll play it tonight.

    • Michael Macha
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Of course YouTube considers _this_ to be an educational video…

    • Jungle Jim900
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    you should honestly contact the fun pimps and offer to sell their updates for them because your presentation of this update made it look amazing

    • Robert Coleman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I like the changes. Thanks.

    • Bagdadsky_Hornik
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    dude are you for real? “developers were kind enough to give us this patch for pree?” THIS GAME IS IN EARLY ACCESS FFS!!!!

    • F5 Sharknado
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Face reveal 😮!!!

    • I LoveBirds
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    it’s kinda nice for the devs to push a new update adding alot of content instead like in most games where they add high paid DLCS or adding a part 2, a really good dev team honestly who loves modding and updating this game over the years

    • Nexus
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I haven’t tried A21 yet, wanted one of these videos before I hopped in. but currently before trying it I’m very much against the read to craft mechanic. it took me a stupid amount of time to find a steel tool schematic, and now I can’t even just make an Iron tool to hold me over unless I get lucky in finding books. Perhaps the books are common enough, but they had better be literally everywhere to make this doable.

    • Real Movie Facts Not Fake
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Itd be cool if they updated the game to have an ending (like you gatta make a mad dash for a helio or something)

    • joe
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    could you tell by the FPS that a horde was coming before you saw them? just wondering if the counter could be tool 🤔

    • Erik
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    wow this update is fire❤‍🔥

    • LootyStuff
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The magazine update is so good, as a solo player no longer am I forced into taking the workstation skills, I can spec into spears and rifles and still be able to craft a workbench, forges, and cement mixers just from looting and questing. 1 point seems to be all I need to have a much higher chance at the related books. I think this will only hurt players that play on 300% xp, or multiplayer co-op, but even then I think it is a neutral chance, not a negative one.

    • Афанасий Фет
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    what computer configuration should be in order for all this new graphics to work?(

    • SamWeed
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    13:23, the only thing i hate about 7D2D is the gameplay animation, look at that, he miss on point blank, i used to miss my shot point blank for no god damn reason, i haven’t got any of these issues on any other first person survival game. 7D2D is the only game that makes me looks like a sack of potato.

    • Azrael Ravenwing
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Im honestly for all the changes, but damn they could update the player character designs and outfits sometime soon

    • Poop Pants
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    water update is a mistake

    • BloodyIron
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Why didn’t you bother quickly splashing your computer specs on screen for your performance comparison? Like I have no fucking clue what hardware you have, or the performance you have relative to my rig… mostly useless that part :/

    • Richard The Chef
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I am completely mystified by the removal of empty water bottles. Does my character just smash the bottle when he’s done drinking? Utterly bizarre. You can make vehicles, automatic turrets and motorized traps, but reusing water containers? That’s some space-level technology

    • Karl Dailey
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i personally dont like the new changes. I hate the new magazine system. its just too much research. think I’m finally done with this game

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Learning by reading books seems horrible.

    • Igzilee
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This looks great! I’ve been waiting for the update so I can get back into the game. Hopefully it doesn’t crash anymore. Reading the patch notes it seemed like a good update but watching this video it seems miles better than I thought!

    • Austin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    ok but you can’t craft any of the normal doors in survival 😢 only the wooden ones or iron or the vault doors. but not the normal new front doors, glass sliding doors, or the new screen doors. why give us all these new things but we can’t craft most of them?

    • Moss
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The insanity of this update is only shadowed by the news of the passing of thick44.. My feelings have never been stretched that much between sheer excitement for this update and the sadness for thick44. I watched the entire supercut of the wildly obsolete LP of 7DTD from Neebs Gaming about 20 times.. Here’s to a 21st time and to thick. Much love for the Fun Pimps for the tribute to thick and the ester eggs as in the vending machine. You guys are the best.

    • Outsider
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You blurred the dismemberment part? why?, its a video game, not real. The soy is affecting your brain.

    • catshadowdragon
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What they need to change next is the skills/jobs. I don’t like having particular weapons locked to particular classes.

    • Ronald Curtis Jr.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    A few of these changes just seem more of extra steps. How much they pay you to go against what you didn’t like to say you like it? 10 waters a day huh? I was drouning in 40+ in one game day.

    • theverylastuser
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Empty Dew Collector is stupid. The typical barrel holds 200(!!!!) liters of water. And you get maximum of 3?! bottles from the full barrel? Why the stupid barrel then, couldn’t they just draw a canister?

    • Some Dude
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    rekt is a jerk

    • Tatersalad
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Bro this update seems awesome I stopped playing for awhile but I’m definitely getting back on now

    • Br1tneyB1tch
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • MaeTF
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    0/10 update, sexual tyrannosaurus is gone

    • hulusi Oztekin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    after steam update how to upgrade my save a21

    • Wineblood
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Would be nice to see the performance improve, the game runs horribly on my system

    • Febiox71
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    why your game looks soo good, the lighting and texure while mine at max setting looks bad?

    • bossBOOM 2060
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    ima guess 44 cloth to craft a flag

    • xXSkyWalkerXx 1
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Looks awesome! But there is still one thing there should be changed: the zombies. Their sound and how they walk should be improved.

    • Georg N
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    watching this game and still cant understand what makes players to play that game-graphics are still on ugly side, characters look like robots,mechanics are crappy,building mechanics are wierd…comparing this game with VEIN which is early access and have free demo in Steam i will say- 2 devs in VEIN has (with 9 months) made way more on all sides than this game.

    • Pedro
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Really liking the alpha 21 optimization went from 4k 40-70 fps to 4k 90-110 fps on a 3080. Everything looks nice and crisp and plays so smooth.

    • Heed The Call
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    After all these years, despite all the new features and graphics updates, the combat still looks lifeless and unresponsive. Nothing has any weight or impact. Such a shame. The number 1 reason i still prefer games like State of Decay if i want zombie survival is that they have combat that is actually fun. Really too bad, as despite the aspects i like, the combat ruins the whole experience for me, and it can’t hold my interest with building and exploration alone when other titles do them better.

    • Galloway5090_
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    timed getting my first pc insanely well. seems every game i wanted to buy has had some super cool update in the past month or so. Squad , this and a few more.

    • Salih Kızıldağ
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    if I play on 21 beta now, will I be able to continue from that save when it’s officially released?

    • colatté
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    THIS LOOKS FIRE!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥

    • GraveyardShift
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This is the first good update since alpha 15. All the rest of the updates have been garbage.
    The only bad thing about this update is the Dew Collector. Its boring… the old way was better.

    • McCow
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I play everyday on a guns nerds and steel server and its been by far the best 7dtd experience I have ever had

    • AquaDragon6629
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Do blocks mesh with terrain properly yet? instead of leaving a horrible hole nexts to blocks?

    • Mr_klawd
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This is a really amazing update!!!, I just hope they gonna give same level of love to character creation and animations later on.

    • Cory Griffith
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I feel like the skulls telling you the difficulty of a POI ruins the exploration part of the game I enjoyed so much…

    • James Zheng
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    bruh i wasn’t even in school when this game was out, and now i’m working

    • The Milk Man
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The book system is the compromise ive been waiting for. Never liked the perk system since alpha 17, but this is probably the closest ill get to learn by doing that alpha 16 was.

    • Uga Buga
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    dogshit game

    • Rainmanthegoat
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m pretty sure back in the day the crafting was related to reading

    • sasukeuchiha124816
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this for ps4 as well? And if so when does this update come out?

    • damian_fam02
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this update going for consoles as well or just pc only?

    • Aussie Raver
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Vanity Towers!

    Im going to be camping on the top level!

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Still the best zombie themed videogame in my opinion, only Resident Evil Outbreak comes close.

    • Hidden Pixels
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    peewee herman had a son?

    • Iann Chevalier
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    being one of my favorite game of all time ! im happy to see this update and im looking forward for the next one 🙂 good job as always !!!

    • DawnOfWolfy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It was great seeing how you explained a lot pretty quick while not over complicating I just got my pc not too long ago. I did play on console so seeing how much has changed for better or worse alpha 21 seems to be a fun one.

    • Bulk Bogan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The fact this game is still in alpha after almost 10 years is disgusting

    • summer boy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    That Thick44 update, not gonna lie, almost made me tear up.
    I love the Neebs Gaming crew and what they have done for the gaming community.

    • Marco Palomares
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Why is ur game so beautiful, my game Is on max quality and doesn’t look like urs

    • Intuitive Custard
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    really happy this is still being worked on and with a great update. such a unique game very happy it is still alive great job devs or dev i dont remember

    • Souleaterlikeblackstar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I used to play this all the time on the console did they just stop with the consoles this is all new to me

    • Isaiah Zamora
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Anyone know a release date?

    • Twix Maestro
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Sounds like a really great update! Congrats Fun Pimps!

    • Josh Brightwell
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    As far as performance, you will notice a MASSIVE difference if you were getting constant stuttering and lag in alpha 20. A21 has made the game much more playable for me. I guess on a god tier rig you won’t notice much of a difference but for me in a20 the game was a buggy laggy mess, and now in a21 its starting to feel much more like an enjoyable experience than a hassle.

    • Vadim Nimarov
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    is this or project zomboid better? i cant decide on which one to play

    • Immersion Gaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Can we disable how every buildings loot is guarded by some suprise zombie attack, it’d be nice to just loot a house or building

    • Jacobb
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    bro this update is sick, the last time I played 7 days to die was 2 years ago. Good to see its finally getting a fresh coat of paint.

    • east burtos
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    new progression system means I’ll never play 7 days again sadly

    • Cnw#8701
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They removed Sexual Tyrannosaurus?!

    • Cnw#8701
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It’s amazing to see how far this game has come since 2013! Kind of wish the developers would’ve released different versions of the game as stand-alone titles with sequels instead of updating the same game for 10 straight years beyond recognition. The console version of the game might as well be considered the first game in the series, the early versions being beta builds.

    • thomixrvr
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    bro the graphism of the game is ridiculous for 2023 no way

    • AJ
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No NPC raiders still… I’m disappointed.

    • Nami Nami
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Not the sexual tyrannosaurus :c

    • Payton Hetherington
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Seeing this as a console player this is just crazy it’s not even the same game I know

    • Samuel’s gatsk
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I got 21.0 to work

    • bdawgg_73__
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They made the water sound so scarce lol. They need to up there update notes lol. This update sounds way sicker in this then the fourums made it sound

    • Literally FF
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I remember this game from YEEEEARS ago. Incredible how much work the devs put into this since!

    • ed0c
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    how do you collect water without empty jars?

    • aRandomShyGuy450
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Are these graphics on console?

    • Onion Rings
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Learn by reading is AWFUL for co-op.

    • Drpepp
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Then does the New update come?

    • DeathLine97
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    U Just made me come back to this game

    • JackRabbit
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    While I think TFP made this update look worse than it actually was, I still have a couple major complaints.

    1.) Traders are now more or less required. I’m one who tried to use the traders as little as possible, and now I feel like it’s almost impossible to get to a survivable state for horde nights without them. Very sad.

    2.) The learn by reading and water rebalance, two major points of this update, are TERRIBLE, I don’t care what anybody says. They more or less force you into a “go out and loot or you die” playstyle. Even with the dew collectors, which are way too big and way too hard to produce btw, not enough water is made to self sustain yourself. So even endgame, the only way to get water is to go out and loot it. I still feel like removing empty jars was stupid. They could have simply made water and empty jars significantly harder to find in loot and had the same effect they were going for. But at least end game you could still craft empty jars in a forge for the same effect. But nope, that’s still too easy I guess. And the learn by looting *ahem* I meant reading system definitely forces a different playstyle. When I played coop with friends, I was often the player who would stay at home and work on building up the base while my team was out and about gathering resources. Now I can’t do that anymore. If I want any chance of leveling up and creating better gear (one of the big things I was expected to do) I have to go out and loot too. This leaves nobody who can work on the base and prepare it for horde night because we’re all too busy grinding for these retarded magazines.

    This is meant to be a sandbox game, it says so on so many advertisements, yet I feel like the past few alphas, this one especially, are doing their damndest to force a certain playstyle which goes against everything that a sandbox game should be doing.

    • Raquel Salvador
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    watching this because my bf plays it..

    • Justin MacDonald
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I was a bit upset about the vendor locations changing on navez but thats not a bad change. I do feel like the new progression system has throttled back progression. I was powering through every book store and still felt like I was advancing very slowly.

    • Emilezz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    man the graphic updates is crazy

    • yaboiminecraff
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Rip sexual tyrannosaurus

    • CrystalSage
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wait so is it a whole new game or just a complete overhaul of 7dtd? Both are awesome ether way

    • Seb Ohara
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The new skill system sucks they should have just added new skills

    • Toast
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    L update

    • Ghost Defalt
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Are these new locations on all the maps?

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hey any word on when it will be added to Xbox? I’d love to play this game but my friends don’t have pc. The Xbox version is fun but severely outdated

    • Keegan Foster
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Epic stuff my dude!!!

    • Zoard
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    How is this game still in Alpha in 2023? Developer hell?

    • Big Dicc Marty
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    they removed spear throwing? i’m going to cry

    • Kf2 Fanatic
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Mannnnn I wouldn’t mind an update on console 😢

    • Fat Jew
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    this game is utter dogshit

    • A
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Bro the last time I played this was when it initially launched on console, how is this the same game 💀

    • The Commenter
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Characters still look like shit =D

    • Nazta
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    As somone who once went 90 in-game days without finding a crucible: I love the magazines.

    • Roger free
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No negatives about the update? Clearly bought off by the devs. Can’t be trusted sorry.

    • peachy_ downtown
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The last time I played 7dtd was before alpha 17 released. I remember when the mini bike was the only vehicle in the game and the game is starting to get better and better from the looks of it.

    • Miguel Mayorga
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    touch grass

    • IamThyMeme
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    All the ps4 players are just mind blown

    • Andres
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Maybe in 2057, we’ll get the Beta for 7 Days

    • Lion Football57
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Jeez, I have a 6800XT and can generally pull 144 fps on most games… but seeing you down to 70 frames with a 4090 is scary.

    • Cheevo Smith
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When they bringing it to the Playstation version of the game?

    • Matthew Crandell
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    removing sexual tyrannosaurus was a mistake

    • Waylon Lafrance
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this on console already?

    • Delta 6501
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    R.I.P Sexual Tyrannosaurus

    • Liam Harrison
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Just one question will it be on console like this?

    • Judge Smith
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I forgot I own this game. This videos making me excited to jump back in.

    • Nilou
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Man i really hope fun pimps retake this game on console, on new gen ofc
    I have the game on ps4 but since it was abandoned years ago it still stuck on pretty early versions that makes me sad seeing how much the game has been improved, its literally a different game:(

    • TB Bachy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’ve played A21, how the fuck you have “so many” new building blocks but still the doors look like shit, you can find a cool sliding glass door in new houses but not craftable wtf?

    • Brandon
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I wish i cared about this game but these devs really screwed everyone who purchased the game for FULL PRICE on console.

    • TTV-TheBootyCheekBandit
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this for Consol?

    • An unknown content creator
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Did anything happen to XBOX?

    • C
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When I saw the Thick44 tribute, I wanted to cry.
    The Human Man Warrior will never be forgotten!!!!
    We miss you Thick!

    • B__Tier
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    bruh, worse performance? I already get absolutely horrible performance on a good rig with a 3080ti, all I want from the game truly is to just hold a solid 120.

    • Zenith R34
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I just noticed the update and started downloading it on steam and this pops up in my recommended on youtube, they spy on us guys

    • ryan lesner
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    16:40 Did you have to upgrade your PC to play the new Alpha?

    • ryan lesner
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    15:05 So if you knock down a skyscraper during horde night.
    The building will return in five days?
    That might be useful.

    • ryan lesner
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    13:59 Any new weapons?

    • ryan lesner
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    13:10 I noticed police cars in the world.
    Are they drive able or do they just hold random loot?
    I find the idea that a police car might give you a pick axe to be stupid.
    A police car should contain Ammo or guns or food.

    • ryan lesner
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    3 hours to fill one jar.
    I don’t play the game that long every day.

    • ryan lesner
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Why bother going to a trader who specializes in clothes,
    If the clothing items are the same as Alpha 15??

    • ryan lesner
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is it me or does Alpha 21 seem like a purely visual up date?
    Are there new guns?
    Are there new tools?
    Is there different ammo types?
    Is there new food types?
    Are there new drivable cars?

    • Dr. Kinderman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Dang this looks good. Took em long enough

    • You Ham
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I paid 5 dollars for this game, but getting tons of free updates 👍👍.

    • EyesOfFate
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    All this but no updates for playstation smh

    • TheGame
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Just logged in on ps4 but no update 😢

    • budknight
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    is it out on ps4 yet?

    • Chad M’Lad
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Such an amazing quality of life update. Thanks for the coverage!

    • Benden
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Are they ever going to give the PlayStation version an update? I wish I could play this game in its modern version.

    • BionicFreak
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Good lord, I hadn’t heard about the new “Learn by reading” fuckupdate yet. That sounds horrible.

    • TheTower
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You got murky water cause you play with 100% loot. xD
    Tone it down and you wont get jack shieeeeeeeeeee

    • Eiko Final
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I torrented this game waaay back before the cop was added. Bought it as soon as it went on sale… Honestly, one of the few games ive had many hours from and have sat on for so long. Im suprised its still in alpha. Best $12 i ever spent ever!

    • Carson Skjerdal
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I really disliked the old recipe learning system, so I’m with you and am really glad they swapped it to learn by reading! Thanks for the coverage on all the changes

    • SimpleASF
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I swear to god this game got harder

    • DreadlyKnight
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I gotta say the one thing I am dreading is the water nerf, especially for groups of friends. a 3×3 is a huge dampener, especially considering I usually use my rooftops for farming massive amounts of food for my group. The water nerf isn’t *huge* but not being able to go out and fill jars or having a ton of snow and jars on hand for emergency water feels just kinda wrong, especially for a survival game, I always loved that immersion aspect

    • Momiji
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    ok look let’s address the elephants in the room, you are struggling to get over 100 FPS with some INSANE PC specs, you have a Intel core I9 and an RTX 4090 with a whopping 64GB RAM, you all should know that this is AWFUL performance and what made me look away from this game is exactly this, your average PC WILL lag and POSSIBLY overheat EVEN AT MINIMUM GRAPHICS! this game is absolutely not worth playing unless they actually do something about performance before adding additional content.

    • Doktor Nowak
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Cool man, thanks for helping The Fun Pimps keep their hard work known.

    • Sun rise
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Can you tell me what resolution you tested the performance on? 1080p, 1440p or 4K?

    • Eddy Thoman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    God rest your soul Thick you guys at neebs gaming are the best

    • Tony Pringles
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    ah yes. seven days to die. a game stuck in development hell despite being a decent fully fledged game for seven years. the game is dead, and if it ever does see a release no one will care

    • dylan dellar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this just pc or Xbox 7 days as well

    • GRAN EME
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    can it perform over 14 fps already? is it nearly playable?

    • Keenan Kok-Carlson
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game still hasn’t made it our of alpha?

    • Cam
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Yeah it’s here. Not for consoles 😐

    • The Nerdmaster
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This all looks fantastic, it’s great to see that 7 Days is finally an actual game worth actual money, but I’m concerned about the console updates, when we’re gonna get them. It may be too little too late, it left a bad taste in my mouth when they charged full-price for what is basically a concept, barely a beta.

    • P.Taylor
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great update but the water change makes little to no sense. If they made the purification of water harder past just boiling it I’d understand but it makes so sense to die of thirst if you live next to a freshwater lake.

    • NilsD
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thought this was an official announcement first, awesome video

    • Gary Sherry
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thich 44.

    • Angus Losgaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is the update out now or soon

    • tizielechicero
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    did they actually just fucking put project zomboids learning system in the new learning system

    • NooborBro
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Minecraft for pros

    • reaperiscoming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Not playing 7 days to die only have ps4 not wasting money on ps5

    • Fused Diagram610
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    is the update only on pc?

    • AussieWill
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This looks great actually. I have the game but never really played it. Gonna have to give it a go now.

    • JamesBomb
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Are they gonna improve fps drops when play with friends ?

    • C
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I think that the learn by read system is really great. In the past, the only reason you would craft a higher level item in a tech 1 tier is if you didn’t have the resources to craft anything better. But now the upgraded tools are available more gradually. You end up using more of your resources crafting things multiple times until you can make something really good, but I think that that balances the game more. It also reduces the chance you’ll be disappointed by constantly finding recipes that you’ve already read in loot when you are trying to find a recipe that you need.

    • Charles Kennedy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Good for them finally having it all come together, hopefully someone post news when it comes to console because as good as this looks for pc the higher ram its going to need to run

    • FunkyGandalfCat
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I love the new alpha, so many new stuff and good changes. Specially the new POI and the changes to the meshes of the forge for example.

    • SafeTrucking mama’s boy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Friend convinced me to buy. The zombies could look a lot better and the hit realism is really a downer so far for me .

    • Anzony Kaiser
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Muy bonito pero ¿para cuando arreglan el rendimiento y gasto de recursos?

    • Akaritomi
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Pretty kind of the Fun Pimps to honor one of their biggest supporters. RIP Thick, he’s trading with Joe in our hearts.

    • ainumahtar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You may feel the learn by reading seems natural and fun, but this quickly nosedives if you don’t want to do only questing/looting, or if you have a multiplayer situation. None of the preferential stuff works unless you’re specifically the one to open the loot box, and the ancillary books you get that you could hand to people not in your spec seem to be lacking a LOT, which means there really is no other way to play but loot/clear POI 99% of the time, and preferably solo, which defeats the point of playing with friends. Really sucks, because I think the way that it’s set up is not fixable by just getting more books as that is most likely going to utterly trivialize the game. Used to have a group of 5 ppl to play this with, now 3 of them basically will never play again, hope I can convince them to do another modded run or two (as long as those don’t include this learning by reading suckfest), but TFP sure wrecked their enjoyment of the game :< Also, gathering water for multiple people was substantially harder than for 1 person as well, so it kinda seems that if TFP thought about balance at all when it comes to basically anything but slowing the game down, they sure didn't think of anyone playing this with friends.

    • ChowdahClamCereal
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Are the console versions expected to receive an update as well or not?

    • Bat
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    bruh this game came out in 2013 when the fuck are they gonna release the beta?? 2100????

    • Med Cen
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thats amazing about Thick… I havent been able to watch them since he passed. I still cry

    • Vaider
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    WIsh theyd fix the lag… Its sad when this game lags or frame rates drop on 3k pc… lol

    • King Lioms
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    R.I.P. Thick, I’ve been watching Neebs since I was younger so hearing about this now is just terrible. Much love to any of his friends and family I can only hope for the best for them🕊️💜

    • Varangian Tactical
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Ive given up on getting any updates on console. Ill breakdown and get in on PC if i get bored enough.

    • Mr Purple Dragon
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Would be awesome to see this on the ps5 at some point with this new update

    • Lone Wolf
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i played this all the way back in like, Alpha 9 or 10 splitscreening with my cousin on the 360 when skills were super restricted and craft levels went up to 500

    i miss some of the old systems, as it felt more rewarding to loot and/or craft those level 400+ items, and i liked how the old skills really drove home that you had to specialize to be effective.

    Overall, even disregarding how smooth and reliable the game plays now, i think its all for the better. Def going to be reinstalling and seeing the differences since i last played in 18.4

    • WebME
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    this game is still in alpha since 2013, like wtf until they are done theres ai developing this game in 10 minutes

    • Jenzu
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    you’re playing on easy and not hardest difc u cant have 250 books by day 7 on the hardest difc lmao so that system is shit and u have loot abundance boost please dont say these changes are ” good” when ure playing on easy

    • Read Embers of Night: Red Horizon
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Just a heads up, they nerfed getting magazines from quest rewards and mailboxes pretty heavily.

    • Matthew Jacob
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It’s a shame that they completely gave up on the console version

    • MagicFishMan Scholar of the great filth spirit
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What about optimisation? Game still runs horrible.

    • ChaosToTheEnd
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I bought this game when it first came out and forgot about it. Kinda crazy to see how far it has come

    • BloodHunter661
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wait I didn’t know Thick passed away, I haven’t watched Neebs Gaming for some time now but I’m surprised I didn’t even hear about it. I need to go watch a bunch of their videos. R.I.P. Legend.

    • Dalton Houser
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I just came to check out the new update and ended up getting teary eyed at 1:56. An amazing way to honor Thick. And always remember “He’s not gone, He’s just off looting”

    • Arthur Pavey
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    does any1 know where that secret underground lab is?

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    F For the jar.

    • Jonathan Gonzalez
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game has always look super basic like if it’s missing something, do y’all recommend this game? State of decay is prob the best zombie survival game . I’ve been iffy on trying this

    • Aidyn Holtmeyer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What about console? I’ve been playing on console for a while and still there’s nothing about any updates for it

    • Nirawin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hope the performance boost is a real thing, in multiplayer on red night it was so laggy, less than 20fps

    • Dudik20
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    did melee combat is still junky?

    • Daniel O Connell
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this update coming to console?

    • Aaron van Noppen
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This will be on the xbox version?

    • JamesT
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    7 days to die performance usually starts to drop significantly once players start building a decent base and placing a large number of objects.

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    and still no console update..

    • Sergio B
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Huge video! It makes the update look at great as it is!

    • Hunny LadyG
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hi guys, I need help please…Im pretty desperate with Higashi residence, I cant find this house anywhere 🙁 not Navezgane, not pregen maps…is it really existing? Thank you for answer, love ya 🙂

    • WheatBreadOne
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They need to remove the difficulty meter. Really ruins part of the game when you just know before looking.

    • Razerfange Gaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    If you and other content creators could possibly sway the devs to enable one active claim block per biome that would be super cool.
    Y’all may not have ‘sway’ over their decision making process but, y’all could influence that decision. that would be a wonderful feature.

    • David Brenner
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They still have not added a reason to survive. No story and no community to build. No NPC’s, no bandits and when you get to day xx you start to wonder why you care. you have no agency. you live only to get loot so you can live some more.

    • Zaden Homunculus
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What about Infestation quests?

    • Pyrozen Plays
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    PLEASE EXPLAIN PC ONLY, nothing has changed on console

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I love all of this content but its sad how the playstation seems to not have any of these things

    • Big_EviL
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Kinda happy they screwed over console players. If they didn’t I’d have never started playing DayZ and I’d still think this game is actually good.😂

    • flamingkitty umad
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Can’t wait for A22 when they revamp half the core game mechanics, making it feel like an entirely new game for the 7th time

    • x2Palex Official
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Are they ever releasing this for console?

    • K. T.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They really cant decide what they want their game to be can they?

    • David N R
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It would be nice if they updated the console edition

    • Brucey Grunt
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I find it that I will have to look up who that is because I’m one of the few who don’t really care about watching youtubers soo yea 😅😊

    • Kitkami
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I like the learn crafting by books thing but wish they had made the combat skills learn by use. Like the more i stab things with a spear the better my spear skill is.

    • Velocipastor
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Game is still really bad and slow asf

    • SvG Player 831
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    real question is will it come out for console if not not interested

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Like when you attach a lantern on the side of the wall how do you rotate it to be on the side when I push rotate it just turns the item clockwise but how do you flip it onto its side or attach it to the ceiling

    • GeGe
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    when new player models

    • Nder
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    a 4090 gets those fps ?

    Normies are fucked…

    • Silentyandere99
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    bruh this game is still in alpha

    • Clayton WoodHelm
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Somthin awfully charming looking down and seeing it was uploaded 7 days ago.

    • Alex Ochoa
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank god for mods to get rid some of these shitty changes

    • Alex Ochoa
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game is gonna be in alpha for ever lamo fun pimps needs to get their shit together

    • Thomas
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game is still in alpha?….

    • e_sd
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I just started playing the xbox version of 7 days to die today and it looks like it hasnt been updated, any idea of if this update will ever hit xbox and if so when?

    • scrooge mcduche
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    they should really update the player model. It looks so ass compared to the rest of the models.

    • Darkman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Must be nice, console was completely left behind by the devs

    • Bleau
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    All my years of playing i watched the game become more and more out of date, especially with graphics, they do manage to make huge strides when they want to! 🙂 looks very nice

    • a_majestic _fox
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Will this come to console?

    • Stormer99
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    As someone who’s been watching 7DTD since 2018 the game looks so beautiful now. Now all the game needs now is an animation overhaul, but overall, it’s a great looking update.

    Edit: Rip Thick44 he’s the recon I aspire to be.

    • Justin Clement
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Shooting through broken doors is great. Something i have wanted for a long time.

    • Nanex McNugget
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Rip needs🙏🏽

    • Zach Chorke
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game is still alive?

    • DemonSoldier467
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Me being on console knowing it will be years before I see this 🙄

    • Alex
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Rekt’s Feed & Seed

    • brightscreen
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    more then 10mil copies sold
    devs: here some little updates **goes back to kk and thots**

    • Mark E
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Dude. What a great video about a game that is amazing. Thanks for giving the update the love it deserves.

    • Fanny Monstercat
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So far I like an ALPHA update, but what I don’t like it’s to eat canned food without leaving empty can, or drinking water from bottle and eat that bottle too for a better water taste. Like… What? Why, it was implemented good, why you need to cut out this game feature? And they should leave that ability to trow speaks and include it as a perk for mastering speaks.

    • JustAPlayer _
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I dont like that youtube recommended this to me 7 days after upload.

    • The Ooze
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Ray Huron
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Lol i played this game a year ago, to hear that a year later that this game is in a alpha version is so laughable. No wonder I didn’t like it. Dayz ass unfinished game

    • 🤎 C1nnam0n_Bby ☁️
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Oo I can’t wait to play with with my dad!! Tysm for the informative video, as I’m a starter player lol.

    • Sarina T
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    As long as they never change the dysentery icon.

    • Ok Dzgn
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    wow nice Changelog Video. Love it 👌👌

    • Danbel338
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This is great I’m playing again

    • PeanutButterDath
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    …and seven days later…

    …this comment 🙂

    • [BIO]NIK
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Personally I don’t like the new updates, it just dont make sense that whole world things depends of your lvl, or loot stage?… loot some military camp to find 9 bullets, bone knife and stone axe… yep seems pretty close to what you expect from military XD

    • Garrett Rachford
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    These drinking water changes are horrible and annoying.

    • Bloop19
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Been playing the alpha and still not sold on the whole learn by reading thing. More cumbersome and tedious inventory management on jobs and looting is what it amounts to. I have to stop what im doing mid job/looting to read a bunch of skill books cuz they are taking up valuable loot space. Then theres the being forced into only one playstyle to level….and thats looting. If your the type that likes to stick close to base this update kills that. Leveling now feels meaningless, as you need a magazine for everything and you have no way of controlling how you spec at the start of the game. Playing with other people the conveesation turns into, “can you guys save me some of the magazines for when you get back while I work on the base and gain no meaningful leveling?”

    • ChadMaster
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Seems cool but the new progression kills it guess it stays uninstalled

    • Mehmet
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What do you mean with alpha, this game has been out for years now. O_O

    • Deucey D
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Fun pimps more like scam pimps

    • Suvvri
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    bruh i remember my coworker playing this game like 7 or so years ago.. and its still in alpha

    • YourLocalTypicalFisherMan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    15:56 zombies were not a problem with performance
    the thing affecting performance is mostly the bad lighting a decent house which for some reason lags the game and random generate cities i do not think even after 10 years from now the game will be optimized and we will just have to accept this
    overall pretty bad update i miss the days where the game was learn by doing and certain advanced blueprints were locked either behind well Blueprints or books and you only got better at those while grinding them.
    This water overhaul was uncalled for honestly a waste of time to do it since water is not something hard to find now its just tedious
    The visual updates are good but those are not enough to up the cons of this update. Really hopping the dev of darkness falls will fix some of those changes or even revert them he already made a much more better job than fun pimps in making the game both hard and unique while at the same time optimizing the game to the point you won’t back down to vanilla
    also rip t rex removing this perk really crossed the line and made it so its punishing and tedious to change to another weapon since you now have to invest even more xp points just so you can swing a weapon.
    Imo fun pimps should stop updating the game at this point or at least listen to feedback and focus only on optimizing the game since it really needs it Nobody asked for a water overhaul or a learning overhaul we just want 60 fps inside a house with more than 2 torches

    • Whiskey
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Finally you can make a real moat!

    • HunterUnknwn
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    the new textures and the lightning is what struck me the most, I’m playing on an OLED 1440p monitor and everything set on ultra. It – is – AMAZING. and I agrre it makes it eerie in some instances. really good update imo. can’t wait for A22 to get those new character models to say the least

    • Coyoten
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    thank you for laying out the new changes so well and so clearly, excited to check this out

    • GhostFace :D
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this also for console 7days?

    • Hot Stuff!
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So would a tier 5 poi still be a tier 5 quest in the wasteland biome?

    • Kaka Katan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Cool, thanks for the update. I wish my PC turn on already

    • KaZzy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this update only for pc?

    • space_monke
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is the game now more optimised? Before it was difficult to get over 100fps with a very high end pc.

    • ReeYuuJee
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    the devs made this update for free? they game is in alpha… what are you talking about? They are supposed to work on it “for free” till the game is finished… oh christ where is gaming headed…

    • Kiran Hodgson
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Any chance this update is on PS4? 🙏

    • bers lol
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I think it would be nice to add the ability to get a blueprint by disassembling a new item. The more difficult the subject, the lower the chance, the higher your intelligence, the higher the chance.

    • It’s just Whackjob
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So are spears still trash? How about knives and bleed?

    • fluxtheory
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • SaltyGuy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Ah yes, the 10 year old game that is still in alpha

    • H4RDC0R3 Noize
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Anyone else shed a little tear when they saw Tony’s flags? ❤️🤜🤛♥️

    • Irish
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Love the honoring of Thick44. Man is a legend.

    • Journull Music
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Maybe optimize the game before adding new content and graphical improvements. This update looks good but too bad the game is still unplayable.

    • Alex Christianson
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    RIP lvl 1 stone spear machine gunning 🙁

    • Ryan Whitaker
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    WHERE IS THE SEXUAL tyrannosaurus perk at?????// what is the new stamina perk

    • Titus OneTen
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    wow this looks great

    • Hunko
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The Mutated zombie spit that is on the ground is also toxic, so if the player walks over it
    they take radiation damage aswell.
    I love these changes, I just wish the pools of acid were bigger because you practically have to
    walk in to them yourself, the reason is because they are so innacurate which makes him still a non threat.
    To top it off, he has way too little HP, I think 500 – 600 is a minimum for special infected in terms of health.
    Players are basically equipped with firearms at day 1 making special infected zombies rarley be able
    to showcase their unique behaviour in time before being gunned down in 1 second.
    That’s why I love the fat cop, he is really chunky with a lot of HP allowing him to shoot some spit at you every encounter making
    him feel like a very fun unique encounter.
    The spider zombie, screamer and mutated zombie all suffer from the fact that they lack HP which results in them
    barley being able to show what makes them fun to face.
    TFP if you’re seeing this, buff the HP for the weaker special infected.
    And ps also add passive regeneration for the mutated zombie.

    • Courageous Chronicler
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You only like the learn by reading because you like to run quests. For those of us that like to build and craft for our friends that do the questing, learn by reading sucks. Simple as that. For every 10 hours I spend playing, about 15 minutes of that is spent questing/exploring. It’s just not my favorite part of the game. Learn by reading literally ruins the game for players that play like me. Period. I concede that it’s probably awesome for people that go out and explore, but it means that I simply can’t play update 21.

    • Triplet Plays
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    has it gone live yet becuase my game is still in 20 not 21

    • The Last Grey Hawk
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They definitely need to hire you to show updates you did it much better than they did

    • Joseph C
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • GATER30
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    On xbox too?

    • ElJm4es HD
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    4090 and 60 fps, they really need to improve performance

    • Calvin Maclure
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Windows Xp
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Cool. Where is my ps4 update? 😢

    • Žętâ
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I just hope I can still run it on my Pc.

    • The Lobster Man
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    goddamn i had 100 hours in this game and deleted it after hitting the endgame but it actually looks a lot better now they really did work on the game so that means time to spend a 100 more hours

    • KaiserStorm88
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    If only last gen console was never abandoned :/

    • Skull Beast
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This is Awesome!!!

    • complexgamer 1944
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It’s a shame the Xbox version is abandoned but it is what it is

    • HumA
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Let’s check the performance with a 4090… To do that normaly averange PCs are used, not a 2K GPU

    • Nossi
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    performance isnt great atall. did a POI tier 5 with 2 friends and we all had roughly 30 fps on medium settings. when i pumped it to ultra i had 25 on a ryzen 7 3700x, rtx 3070, 32GB ram.
    only playing on 1080p btw

    • Chimichanga Guy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this available for xbox?

    • Osama BonJovi
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Violet Sobieski
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I don’t play this game but gosh it looks good.. lets hope it is not like Rust and the lazy devs pick your character for you and refuse to let you customise or pick your character!!

    • DC0293
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    To Sum up my Opinion: great vid, Love the magazine change, Hate the water/jar change altho the dew collectors good, Vehicle dmg getting an increase without removing some of the tiny things bikes/cars hit for no reason is a pain. Overall I think the update is but they are still trying to walk the line between survival and RPG instead of letting the game be a survival RPG. I know that might not make sense to a lot of people but there are parts of the game that split the two apart. To give an example POIs right now are built like dungeons surrounded with objects or blocks of such high HP your railroaded into taking a defined path, fits right in with an RPG but not with a survival game. My suggestion would ditch dungeon style POIs for the most part (not all ill explain in a sec) not every house is going to have a friggin dungeon path through a contrived path wound through thick metal everywhere, its a family home let people explore it naturally. The front door maybe locked? ok try the back, that one locked two? ok maybe smash a window to get in or is one already broken? let it be natural. Then when it comes to the evil lookin places ya know secret labs, prepper bunkers, jails and prisons that sort of thing? Dungeon em up make that shit feel like its been built by the Dungeon Keeper. Thanks for reading this rant if you did and hope you don’t fall down the stairs like I did.

    • Colt Classic
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow, the fun pimps actually putting out an update? This is new.

    • Grimnir Brokenhaft
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I haven’t played 7 Days in a few years. It’s definitely changed.

    • BonerCity Boys
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I have literally seen a woman live and die playing this game, Diandra D, and y’all wait over 5 years to drop this update, Man I wish she could see it

    • Fudge
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    bruh they made this update seem insignificant on steam i literally read a portion of the news and i thought it was lackluster i was definitely wrong

    • Soulpuppet
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    My favorite part about this update is the flags for Thick44. I miss him.

    • Xasire
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow this is great! If only xbox would be this way

    • OverL00k
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    personally don’t like how it tells you how difficult areas are. I enjoyed it when it was a surprise but other than that I’m excited

    • fr0
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    thanks for this video

    • iHouseAUT
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    shut up… and take my money.

    • Skycoat the Wolf
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    only thing i have a problem with is the removal of glass jars. otherwise i think its a solid update

    • Real Human
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I still can’t believe Thick is gone.

    • AGA
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hey question, on 8:27, I saw you taking things from a storage and putting it in your inventory, are there specific keybinds to keep in mind of? That seemed like such a good tool since looting while in danger is so common.

    • pfp4ever
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    learn by reading is the best changes of the update
    dino being gone is the worst of the changes
    and i love the new art and comfort changes like quest being auto shared …

    • Pavel Slama
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I have significant FPS drops in high level POIs, especially in city center. Im playing on ultra with my 1080 Ti GPU, and Im barely making 20 in that situation (otherwise its 80). Which settings has the biggest effect in that situation?

    • Edvard Bolaas
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Funpimps are devs with real soul and care. 7days is the best survival game out there by FAR in my view. It is a superb game, truly.

    • Jan P.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Jakob Hudnall
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I wish console could get something… ANYTHING😢 so much potential

    • Hookah Otaku
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Does this game still take a huge dump with a lot of zombies on screen like the blood moons with multiple players??? Because this is the real deterrent for any serious play.

    • Darkington ಠ_ಠ
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I think you skipped the explanation on what the Orange Skulls mean.

    • Matt Baur
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i’ve been playing the warzuk mod, and i love it. does anyone know if 21 will break the mod? also anyone know if the alpha is worth loading the experimental and i think losing my current game?

    • C DMix
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Yeah I agree the magazines and making you go out and explore makes the game better tbh

    • SgtChicken
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hope they update console soon 😢

    • Survivors Federation
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So do I have to buy a new version, a dlc, or some other way for fun pimps to take my money or is this a free update?

    • CanDew Attitude
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    my old pc had a hell of a time running just the basic version cant wait to see how optimize this one will be over time

    • GothiccGhostFaceTTV
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I can’t wait to see this in the new console port one day ☺️

    • Mafke
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Pretty sure this video should be classified as an ad, cause how you can be happy with so little changes after a year and a half of extra development… this must have been paid for…

    • Nick Jones
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Just redownloaded 7 days on the steamdeck and it seem to be 1000x better then the last time I played it on xbox lol

    • Udam the Waster
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I gladly await for the console version

    I don’t care if i have to rebuy it 60 dollar’s. I need it

    • Patrick Hardy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I love Thick 44 got his own item after him

    • Anew522
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    There are some factors I’m not in love with but overall it seems incredible and I’m happy to see the changes.

    • Rigobertos Taco Shop
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow the game looks really good now. May finally return to it after all these years

    • 200016LIVE
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank you!Love 7 days 💕

    • The_Ultra_Elite
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This update is amazing!

    • Star Sailor Zoombie
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’ve been playing this game since one of the first version, I’ve watched it change a lot. I love the game but my god they add and update everything except the damn gunplay. The gunplay is so bad.

    • GamerBruw
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    ”Made it for free” Arrrh… We’ve paid for a full game and it’s still only an alpha lol, once they choose to call it a full game release, I’ll stop disagreeing

    • steven hibbert
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Not getting a empty glass back from a jar of mercy water is stupid how did I Cary water without a jar and the new system for learning is stupid to change a working system for a shit show rng he’ll will make people quit

    • DrugsMcsnortington
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Looks like im re-installing a certain game.

    • Icelord02
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    since there’s a team of modder bringing vr support to this game, i wonder how much more epic alpha 21 will be.

    • Arson O’akwood
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I spent 10 days and lvld trader for 3rd level in alpha 20, and I did not find forge nor schematic, and I had to rely on skill tree. Now you’re telling me that taking away this plan B is a good idea? You’re like those managers who try to convince that more working hours with less pay is good for your life. Nature of random chance of even 99% supposes that there is 1% chance of you never getting the item. So yeah, it is bad, and you just said yourself that now it takes at least 2 days to obtain a blueprint while it was instant before, how tf it is better?

    • DaneW
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Will all the new poi’s spawn in on random generated maps also or are they for Navezgane only? Which is better Navesgane or random gen maps? im looking to start a new game and haven’t played in a very long time lol.

    • sebdarkness
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Fact: if you destroy a car, instead explode now plays a car alarm and spawn zombies

    • UnD34D
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    will my PC burn due to the graphics changes?

    • MarcusBrutusPL
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I do wonder: why the glue is left out of this “no empty jars is a good thing” explanation? Does production of glue no longer requires murky water? Maybe duct tape no longer requires glue? Or is it that recepies have been changed and one does not require so much glue or duck tape??? We’ll see, I guess…

    • The Saber Antheneum
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Damn still Alpha…. I was a child when this game was first released HAHAHA

    • AwesomeGuy772
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They got to fix the characters tho. While the world may look nice the characters and animations are very big turn off

    • Shootter
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Will this game ever get fully released ?

    • TheTower
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is it possible to revert the experimental build back to 20.7 to continue playing my undead legacy save or did i just screw up my installation rofl.

    • Brandon Green
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I nah actually play this game now! I’ve always loved the idea of it but couldn’t get behind the graphics, this is awesome! Is it on console yet?

    • The Chakkim
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    30 years from now this game will still be in alpha.

    • Aljaž Košir
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    If I wouldn’t check this video out, I wouldn’t know that they dropped this update. Me and my friend just finished building a realistic real life house, decorated and did everything so I still bet that he will immediately jump on this version real quick.

    • Drizzit57
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Was hoping for some new weapons but the Thick44 flag makes up for that let down.

    • Petros Heimirich
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    “Thanks to the devs for rolling out this update for free”

    Seriously? Dude, this game ain’t free, none of this shit was “free”, updating their game is what devs are supposed to bloody do, this isn’t no favor.

    • Reborn666skull
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So, no bandits yet?

    • Red Tsun
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m really not a fan of leveled systems and I wish they would simply remove the interaction between gamestage and loot. The game was not like this when I originally bought it, and I understand that early access games are subject to change, but I still can’t help but feel that the entire core game has been affected since the introduction of gamestage loot.

    • Sir Ventris
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No bandits?

    • Willy Jakob
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    wow the Quality of the videos are awesome now! holy smokes!

    • Johannes
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Dismemberment cannot be shown but a crawler which is literally a cut in half person can be shown? Where is the logic in that? 😅

    • Pugman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Just wish there were some updates for console

    • Роман Петров
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • unnecessary Censor Police
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    14:03 pu .sy

    • Spex
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game is still in alpha?

    • Tenshi OwO
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I love the magazine thing, but I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate the water

    • Gaming For The Recently Deceased
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What about all the pipe weapons? Or was that update 20?

    • Slav
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i remember i was watching 1 youtuber making lets plays on that game like 9 or 10 years ago, and it game still in alpha? damn i hope my grandchildren’s at least see beta

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So which map I should play if I want to see most of the new poi ? Instead bunch of same building as I choose random map. D:

    • Ejefh
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Someone know what with White River Bandits?

    • Trash King
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    its experimental fyi

    • kierain kitchin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Matthew Saylor
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I just want Xbox to be updated 🙁

    • Toastbrot_23
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Would be nice if they would release at least one Update for console.

    • Bounty Lord
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So I got to ask. Cuz I’m just not sure how I feel about the update. But once it gets released. Is there a way to play 7DtD alpha 20 on steam or will that just be gone forever? Like I couldn’t down patch or just play the game without updating it.

    • Tomas G.D.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What tool did you use to build the sinkhole at 12:41, I know its a dev tool but how can I use it? i love making moats.

    • havoc467
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Question, so is this not the current game? Or is this a mod? I opened it and didnt seem to be changed

    • Michael Denney
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    thanks for the rundown of a21

    • Derbyjoker
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this coming to Xbox version?

    • Felix Nelson
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Still crying every night for playing on the console version….

    • Jose Mata
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Anyone else get a dead island vibe from the lighting and graphics I love it😤

    • Von Debess
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Finally mates. Thanx! 🙂

    • MaserXIV
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It’s awesome they put that in for Thick.

    • Grim
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow looks unrecognizable

    • Teodoro Jose D. Laforteza III
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The 1st time i’ve heard of Alpha 21, they promised a Raider Faction Enemy and better character creation. It’s such a shame i have to wait for the 22 smh

    • Farid Yacub
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hail The Human Man Warrior, Thick 44. 💜

    • NoxSicarius1
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    rip sir walkin

    • Siuil Bais
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So long story short after almost 2 years of waiting for this update we got * looks pretty for our only positive and for negatives * grinding skills now involves adding skill points to skills so you can get books to craft said things doubling the grind * water is much harder to get than before even if still relatively easy and is still needed to make glue so good luck getting mass amounts of duct tape late game * vehicles are going to break down much more often and take way more resources to repair and maintain * than to further expand the growing grind we make it so you have no access to any mid to late tier gear at the trader when it was already expensive to get in the first place…… All I see is more grind less fun and almost no new content aside from looks prettier now.

    • Siuil Bais
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Yeah I’m on the “this new skill system sucks balls” side of that fence… For instance I have a friend that likes to farm resources and focus on base building and defense but he will be forced to do quests and loot buildings or he just simply won’t be able to craft anything… Bad design that just adds more work to try and draw out how long it takes to max skills and just seems like a lazy way to extend playability.

    • Zikavirus
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Damn thats a lot of good changes, and shit to change up the game too! im very excited for the stable release.

    • Errors4free
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Are the health bars modded in?

    • Neuros
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    finally a texture overhaul… now it doesn’t look so cheesey anymore

    • Lewis Langley
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    How many years will this take to come to console if ever ?

    • PapaSkyRooster
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    whats the name of the song u were using from 4:30 to 5:30

    • RBn2
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    dew collector not needed. plenty of water available from day one.

    • TOM ZOMB
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game just keeps getting better

    • Samaja Thomas
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Heya! Question for you, in multiplayer does what you and friend spec points into effect only the person opening a container? For example if I open a container and I am specked into guns will is there still a chance I will find a fist magazine instead if my friend is speckled into fist? Or does it go by whoever opened said container first?

    • thefluffyman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    about time

    • Mariusz803
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Still disagree about the skill points. I like to use different melee weapons and so I gotta spread skill points into those, and they already take time to acquire. Maybe this is balanced buy not needing to max out skills to make certain items (becasue you use magazines). But still feeling skeptical, will have to try and see. Also wonder if they’ll fix the performance more, because playing hoard night at 20fps near blade traps is brutal.

    • Mike G
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This is not the moment I’ve been waiting for.

    • Andrew Rush
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this update available for console?

    • Josephoxz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    when is the full release of alpha 21?

    • TheSlyFawkes
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game is still in Alpha? 13 years old still in Alpha xD

    • Since 1998
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    100 magazines are too many
    75 “should” be the maximum.
    50 even , because if you play without the loot respawn , there is no way for you to finish most of the series.
    So at least put a lower limit for those who play without the loot respawn.

    • RichardBlunts
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Bro no way this game is still in alpha geez hope its done soon lol

    • Ann Lynn
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Looking forward to it

    • Mr. Smith
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    RIP sexual T-Rex. Great video, I wasnt going to come back to 7D2D until I watched this

    • vsgfilmgroup
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I don’t know…I think it might need a little more time in the oven.

    I started it up, and it does indeed look spiffy. Got most of the way through the opening quest–playing as straight vanilla as possible, even on the original Navezgane–and I try to pick up a bird’s nest. It won’t let me. No markers or anything. Okay, weird, but I killed a chicken without incident for feathers so that’s okay. I find a duffel bag, won’t let me open it. Even weirder. Keep walking until I find my early-game base house outside Diersville. The house disappears when I get within 200 feet of it. A few steps later I fall through the planet.

    • game genie
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Chad Reynolds
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    THICK44! Love that they did that for him.

    • Jack Sheet
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    wow – this game is getting crazy cool

    • Chris Knoblauch
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA its still in alpha.

    • SW_Gaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is the update out for everyone now? Or just the big streamers?

    • The Bud Boss
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m waiting for a console update😂

    • Hero of Spira
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Did they change the ads on guns aswell? Cause it doesnt line up and its anoying to a point that I dont use vanilla guns anymore

    • Brandt C.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This is absolutely amazing!!!!

    • Cortez
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Will any of this be on xbox

    • Sholva
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Considering what this used to be like at release on early access it’s improved a hell of alot.

    • TomTom
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Still not on console 😞

    • GamingWithMediocrity
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This is amazing! I’m so excited to hop back in!

    • Michael C
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I love how every few alphas, it’s like a new game, and I will never really complain because I’ve gotten 100s of hours of fun from this game for a very low price, but I can’t help but wonder if this game will ever be “finished”, the vision seems to have changed a dozen times already.

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    if itl run worse then it is now i wont be able to play it with my mother no more wich will be the point when i will donwgrade again. fuck content if the game runs like shit. i should not have 5-15 fps on lowest just because im in the hoteltower(32 gb ram, ryzen 7 3700x, rtx 2070)

    • Supersaiyan 4 Gohan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is it on console yet?, if not is there a due date for when we can expect it to come over to console?

    • manguy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • DeRpMuNsTeR
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Played this on ps5 console. Next time this is on sale on steam I’m buying it immediately. Console sucks compared to this. I’m only 2 minutes into the video

    • Ryan shnoztwazzle
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m soo happy they are bring this version out on ps5, I tried playing the ps4 version but its on Alpha 15 PC version which runs horribly

    • Rodney I.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Damn how long until its fully done? (I play the old version on the ps5)

    • Healing_Herb
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It’s sad that this game won’t be updated on consoles 🥺😭

    • Scott
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Maybe I’ll finally pick this game up now

    • Conk creet
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I thought they weren’t updating the game anymore. This is huge it looks great.

    • Vargala Svett
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Have you heard about the VR mod that is coming out for this game? Just was wondering what people thoughts would be.

    • i_am_say10bruhh
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this pc only

    • Ski Masking
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    My console self seeing what things could have been 😢

    • melapelan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Specialist_Yeti
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Has the PlayStation version been updated? Or is it abandoned?

    • Max Manzare
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    ok so if i have a world that i have been using since before the update but I havent explored very much of it will i see any of these map changes in places that i have not explored yet?

    • Blorgus 979
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This on Xbox??

    • Genuine John
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    75 poi’s? Jesus Christ

    • Corie Compton
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    PLEASE someone tell me this update will come to console too?

    • The Ren Project
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    will this update make xbox decent now?

    • Pebkio Nomare
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The hitboxes didn’t change? It sure feels like the hitboxes for a zombie attack are bigger now.

    • Brandon Bogert
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    And just like that, my PC can no longer handle the graphics

    • Zachary McDonald
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Now only if they would update the console version so me and my wife couod enjoy it more on ps4 couch co-op.

    • Japer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    where is the upgraded t4 poi modern house with bunker located?

    • Monocle Gentlesir
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They used to have Learn by reading way back when….I didnt like it then and I dont like it now. Imagine literally getting screwed over endlessly by RNG because the game refuses to drop you the forge book. That is why they nuked that system when it existed before.

    • MaltError
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    you earned it today 👍

    • AttilaThePun
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The new progression system is HELL in multiplayer. Trying to get all the right books in the hands of the right people is a massive headache, only in single player where you can read them without thinking is it playable since they aren’t filling up your inventory.

    • Drekner Bakken
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks for the info! Never seen you before on here, but holy shit I gotta say you look like Andy Samburg. Think it’s time to get back into 7days. Have not played it in about eight years maybe? lmao

    • Rogue Prince
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Ok I’ll give it a chance. Id like them to start working on some kind of story for the next alpha.

    • Matheus Guerra Scheffer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    it’s amazing how more than a decade has passed and this game somehow still is in alpha, it’s like star citzen but with zombies

    • Una’to Karacat
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Love your videos this update got my old crew back together lots of fun

    • King Grador
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Josh L
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Let’s fucking gooooo

    • Xeohn
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This is tragic performance wise,with this old ass engine the fact that with the best rig you can buy can barelly manage 60fps at (1440p I’m assuming) is just sad and even if you lower the settings and make the game look like garbage it doesn’t win you back that much fps.
    I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it would be for people with really tight budget builds…

    Everything else about the update is sick though.

    • Jdnexx
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    On pc or consoles too

    • Trash Can’R’uS
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Can we just know when console is getting a damn update 😢

    • David Robinson
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Good god. Alpha? Easy there star citizen

    • Nick S
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    the biomes always had a +0 +10 +20 +30 along with the multiplier that is not a new feature no change on that

    • DrunkOnSuccess
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Not even two minutes in and I’m sold. I’m a massive nerd for modular/visible upgrades in things like workbenches so being able to see what equipment is on one of the many stations is amazing.

    • Below Zero
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Bro comparing this to console Jesus Christ

    • V3RD4CT
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    what about the Plasma Baton? was it just left to rot in the game files orr-

    • prepare uranus
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is is too much to ask for a console port of this?


    Apparently it is.

    sad face.

    • Jumanji Xd
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Why does the game looks soo much better on your videos(Graphics), but when i play it looks like old cs1.6 graphics?

    • Metalblaze124
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I love that they never gave up on this game, it’s really a top tier game now!

    • Ryan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This still feels lackluster, like all those art improvements but we still drink out of a fucking jar for everything lol

    It’s like I can see the update is technically more but 20 minutes into playing it just feels like previous Alphas. Their inability to actually touch the gameplay mechanics with anything meaningful is insane to me. You’re still going to kill zombies, mine and loot like you always did, the way you did that has been barely scratched at all.

    • Gramma Hattie
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this the version that console will be getting? Or is console getting an older version?

    • Chen
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Will this game EVER come out of Alpha?
    When will the Devs finally change to Beta?

    Like honestly, this game has been in Alpha since 2013… thats insane

    • Zuhnarken
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Big W on them for the Thick44 flag, much love. Rip wyvern king

    • J W
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    Bro it’s so fucking over

    • HarpyDream
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Any idea when they’re updating player character creation, The zombies are hotter than I am I look more zombie now DX

    • handgranate2008
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It sounds cool but for me i literally will pause that game, i wish there would be a save file transfer option, sure POIs on random gen maps change and you would lose that pre fix area if you build in that saved slot of an POI, but in general to have a longer option and be able to give the biggest Maps your own touch and can have fun on that, sadly i wrote that already as a Suggestion and it was said before Alpha 22 it wasnt even in the “think of/pre work” stage so i need to wait it out, but that Mountain Bunker you showed the entrance from is literally what i wanted to build own my own, but just the concrete needed takes several real time days at least to get that out from over 20 concrete mixers all working at the same time.

    If you get with your system just that FPS i couldnt even play it without optimizations 🤣.

    So yeah i hope some years there will be a take over your save game file in general but for me personally i just wait it out till then, since you cant even overwork the ingame datas (crafting speeds of items) without after every 1 mb patch to do it for every item again, when you use your old overworked data in regards of the crafting time and just copy it back in even after the smallest pstch in can corrupt your whole save game.

    I wish someday it will be able to have it as a fun game and expand/give your own touch on the biggest random generated maps and be able to progress it/take it with you.

    Until then i wish you much fun with alpha 21 and hopefully we met again in the comment section.

    • MAN
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game still isn’t out

    • Jim Dob
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So they seriously nerf better barter but they buffed daring adventure. Well no matter because I intend to mod the secret stash back into the game.

    • TechnicalParadox
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    7 days to die is still in alpha?

    • Joe Kickass
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    if they would’ve remade the game on UE5 some years ago they could’ve had something of substance by now and not 21 iterations of an Alpha.. I hope this isn’t their full time job cause oh boy

    • Brandon Densmore
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great overview of the changes – thank you!

    • SelevanRsC
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Of course besides all the cool stuff, they just HAD to delete something interesing, i mean the trader secret stash. With how they made yet another thing player level scalling, there is no more way to find something lucky.

    • bigbonedaddy6
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is it coming to console

    • bigbonedaddy6
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Yeah thick I bet 44 cloth

    • Андрій Мараховський
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Upgrade is nice, i think, as nice as alpha 10. Revolution. But, where is Ukrainian flag?

    • Island Digital Gaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Question is Alpha 21 is beta will we lose progress if we do the beta when Alpha 21 becomes official?

    • Amp Designs
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I hope you guys are also going to update the player models and I’d also recommend lowering the saturation of the colors across your color palettes.

    • Amp Designs
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This is a really nice looking update, and you guys do hoards right

    • Marcel Breault Original Rock Music
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    oh happy day, 21 is here!

    • Yuki Soma
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    15:56 Hope this is the most i love it
    Cuz every Blood Moon time, a lot of zombies has spawn and FPS drop too bad at alpha 20 and lower version
    I’m very scare to do Tier5 Quest at wasteland cuz i’ll drop FPS when we go to the top Tower and zombies come outside from the bottom A Lot!

    • luciano cabral
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I like the wires

    • batballz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Npc’s???? Thought the funpimps we’re adding them…

    • Qwark909
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Man this is awesome. Bout time. Gotta say its been great watching your content and seeing the channel grow. Congrats on hitting 100k man. Looking forward to tons of new alpha 21 content

    • ImGonnaHeadOut
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When tf r they dropping this game on ps5 like this??

    • Jack Skelington
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    That game is garbage

    • nobadnamesleft
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Sounds like they F’ed up the traders. Not being able to save up and purchase nice items is a huge bummer. Forced difficulty curve with item scarcity based on level scaling is artificial difficulty.

    Level scaling ruins good games 🙁

    • Colin Purcell
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Be nice if you can customize the game where zombies cant dig and keep them from getting stronger as well.

    • CrimzonCavemen
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Performance seems kind of sketchy, nothing but lag for me on alpha 20. The prior alpha 19 was amazing with performance.

    • Jack Aligator
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    so how collect water from river? without jars

    • Benjamin Bezuidenhout
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Finally with all this better optimization, I can play this at more than 15fps <3

    • RancidPlum918
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Can you move console saves to pc or gotta start new

    • BannaBoi_ Gage
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    what time is it releasing today.

    • cartixio
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    rekt’s seed and feed

    • pdxcorgidad
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Yeah this is great (for real thanks), but im here to complain about the delayed Windows update. Corgidad is sad.
    Either way, this is a great video with phenomenal info presented in a way many can easily digest. Thanks! Can’t wait for our update.

    • Felipe Nunes
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When is the update going to drop?

    • BlueSparkGaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Do you have to make a new save for all of the new locations?

    • Jeremy S
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Holy shit this looks awesome. I will have to return after diablo 4.

    • MrNiceGuy293
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When it goes stable do i restart or can i continue with same save

    • MarMar CR
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Subbed and noti on good stuff 👍

    • Leonalayja
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    when is the release date of a21

    • Godzilla
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Haven’t played this game in years so i got a question, are the 70 new pois in the navezgame map or do I have to make a randomly generated world to see them? Thanks!

    • Im not giving my name to a machine
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Im a builder, not a raider, so learning by reading is a complete turn off. I’ll be skipping this alpha.

    • Oztin Cloud
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game is just in a forever alpha state. The devs don’t care they just make minor changes but the game will never be properly finished.

    • Storm
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    7 days to die? think its more like 7 decades to finish

    • Teddy Rex
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    good to see the underdog story come out like a eagle.

    • Stong
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Yeah i gotta say the new looting is much better, Cannot stand the fact you can skip item tiers . Love the new update

    • Максим Звенигородский
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Empty world. updating blocks, textures, models does not make the world wider. The world is still empty.

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So pretty much 0 performance improvement! Good job Pimps. Was expected either way.

    • A Taylor
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Long Live the Wyvern King! Miss you Thick44!

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video, can’t wait to play it. I’ve long awaited a serious update to one of my favorite grinders.

    • Talyn Bozeman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this update coming for Xbox🤔

    • Jibb3rs
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    How is this game still in alpha? It’s been years and it’s still one of the jankiest games I’ve ever played

    • sloggothband
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Your reporting on the fps is pretty unnecessary: you’re running a system that 90% of us (a number pulled straight from my ass) salivate for. My Z390Pro and 2080 8GB can’t hold a candle to your setup. So, why am I commenting? Cause I’m jelly 😛

    • D’mitri Francisco
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Gonna lose a lot of sleep! So glad I have Monday off. Just may call in sick on Tuesday lol.

    • ron hayes
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    great vid , as ALWAYS!!

    YAY!! bowling pins

    • Clavet
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I think you should make more content like this you really excel at this

    • Abimael Solís Rioja
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i LOVE the learn by reading new mechanic

    • zillatattoo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    “live” must mean something different in your world. clickbait!!!

    • ell iphor
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks a million dude excellent flow and a perfectly done video.
    For the FPS testing I might suggest one of the areas to test in as a built up city. This was an issue for most players in A20- and I’m curious if that’s been changed for better or worse.

    • Angei
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Shit here we go again.

    • Carl J
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This is a huge update wow!

    • Lonesome Piranha
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is alpha 21 playable offline? I live out in the boonies so I can only connect to the internet via cafe when I get a chance.

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It’s just a survival sandbox game, right ?

    • B.O.N.I.F.A.C.Y
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    FPS still dropping 😂😂😂😂

    • Tilhouse
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    TFP really need to hire you to showcase new updates in the future! Outstanding

    • PChal 024
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Draceb
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Honestly ive been playing 7day to die since day 1 and i do not really like to use the traders, my idea was that everything can be found in the world or made, so this kinda forcing you to use the trader is not very much to my taste. I am hoping as i play i can ignore the traders as i do not care for the money trading system in the post apoc world. I prefer the self sufficiency route. I do like many of the reworks but i am would always just save up my dukes to endgame to get stuff i cant find or need. Otherwise i have no love for the traders or the system of any kind of currency. The world is over fook money its why its ruined to start with.

    • MCAWESOME 19
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Ngl, it looks like they took the base model from the Dead Island 2 workbench then added more detail to it.

    • yeppyracoony
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Jacobmosovich
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I dont like that vehicles get damaged from hitting stuff. Say you are in the desert biome youll constantly be hitting tiny foot sized lumps of wood and damaging your vehicle without seeing them coming

    • Nathen belisle
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this update only for pc? Does consoles gets some love?

    • Mayot 1985
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    great job, look forward to trying it out…….Quality video guns and steel!

    • Qarola
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Did they added bandits already?

    • Paul Talbot
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Never played this before but seen a kid steaming it the other day and it looked cool man and after watching this video aha looks worth ago man x

    • allenay Quest
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    YET to play this in VR will be the mother of all mothers in VR gameplay for a game of this genre, everywhere on earth

    • Black Stallion
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They can do this but can’t update it on the console?

    • TripleFighter HD
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    But is this on consoles?

    • Vinny
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It’s like Dead Island 2 but with the difference that it isn’t!

    • anon amouse
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Awesome looking forward to playing later.
    Thank you

    • Los 3 Reyes
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Do the consoles get this too?

    • PChal 020
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    интересно общаешься приятно слушать

    • Nymerian
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    if only it didn’t run like shit in the bigger areas

    • Terraraven
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    But when console Q~Q

    • Brock Noll
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hey man, how do you think this update will affect undead legacy? Im only asking bc Undead legacy is nice and hard, and i love how thew weapon sights also line up.

    • PChal 009
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Но скажу то что ты норм играешь

    • PChal 009
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Круто братан твои видео суперские реально если бы я смотрел тебя не знаю кто ты я бы угадал что у тебя 900.000 подписчиков реально даже больше!!!

    • Clover Lombard2
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It’s not Live, only available to people with beta keys.

    • Miki & Charlie
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    RIP Thick you human man warrior!

    • son of spongebob
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So did they just forget about console 7 days to die? Its complete sht right now

    • jaycreates
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This update doesn’t exist on console does it 🙁

    • Good Bull
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This update for console or just PC?

    • NC Silly
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i’m so happy, i love this new way of getting recipes!!!

    • PJ Arma
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It looks great! Can’t wait!

    • CabooseVX9
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When did these updates come the last time I played 7 days to die was like a year ago.

    • Curtis Nowling
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Yeah the new progression system is stupid why would I want to read a million magazines instead of just getting exactly what I want

    • Andreas Grundler
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Regarding no more endgame items early on, it seems that simply Better Barter and the secret stash have been replaced by Daring Adventurer. For each point in Daring Adventurer, the trader stage increases by 10 points. And if you spam quests then you are pretty quickly back in the area where you can buy endgame items.

    • Sebastián Boló
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    About the book changes: bruh, every rng dependent stuff they add is a headache, regardless of skill point spended i have terrible luck and will f my playthroughs.

    • Major Horrors
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    this sounds like a very good update its a game changing update

    • Effex
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    A lot of work in this vid, nice job

    • DANNY99846
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    ”thank you to the developers who made this update for us for free” man we paid for a game that promised us updates like this, imagine if they were trying to sell it when the game is still in alpha lol

    • Lokai
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i only clicked this to confirm, has a game tyhats been out 30 years really only made it to “alpha 21”

    • LTSurge8888
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hello, If I update I lost progress of my current game?

    • sinzz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    so if i redownload 7 days to die right now it’s gonna have better graphics ?

    • Notleks Playz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i just want more enemies and things to do 🙁

    • Tanel Viil
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I am almost half in the video and now i make my bet. I bet with all those updates etc.. they still have not fixed the ZOMBIE movement and their looks. They still look bad graphics and move absurdly.

    I wisch the game would have more realistic zombie movement like in STATE OF DECAY….it ruins the immersion when enemies just come at you like in a 90s doom game.

    I want more realism not cartoonish nonsense.

    • Relago B
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m affraid that the new “Loot by Reading” won’t be as great with Multiplayer. What if the loot hoarding Goblin loots everything and you won’t get that many mags?
    What if you stay home a lot because you do horde base building, farming and other stuff whil the rest loot? Than you’re going to have a bad time.

    • B-side Archive (Obscure Music & Lost Media)
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Been playing since early 2014 and so happy the game is still alive and well. This makes me want to play again so bad

    • Mercer Menace
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Oh boy I sure can’t wait for this update on PlayStation 😊

    • Maylor Tangreen
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The love Conan Exiles and SDTD have given to thick 44 and the whole neebs crew is heartwarming! I will always be a massive supporter to both teams.

    • Jon Steele
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    These textures will kill my pc all over again 😭

    • jootai
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Sounds like a go back to alpha 15, which had the best progressing in my opinion

    • The Box
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is it optimized for my potato yet?

    • Bill Clinton
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They do all this updating for pc. But have done NOTHING for console.


    • Derril King
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This was a really well done video. I mean, they all are, but really. Thanks for a thorough update. Now to binge the first three episodes.

    • Beckiieanne
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    F for s*x*al trex 🙁

    • Mephilis 78
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Holy shit I’ve never seen your face before!

    Also, All Hail The Wyvern King!!!

    Someone aught to tell Studio Wildcard to immortalize Thick in Ark Survival Ascended, btw. 7dtd and Conan Exiles weren’t even the biggest games on their channel. It was Ark and Minecraft.

    • Lust Kami
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    it better be for free its an early access game

    • Randalmcdaniel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    damn this guy is legit

    • KnightFandragon
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    At least that explains why its taking them forever and 5 days to get this update out.

    • Ailias
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Does trader Bob/Joel still sound creepy AF?

    • bwolfeman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Let me guess, coming to console… never

    • Eternyl Bliss
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Gotta stop with crafting games and go back making real video games…. ugh

    • Shadeling
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    small addtl misc wandering horde should NOT spawn just before a horde night.

    • William McBride
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’ve been playing 7DTD for a few years, and it’s been getting better, but this seems like a quantum leap. This video really makes it look awesome. You did a great job of explaining the changes and getting me pumped up for the release tomorrow—can’t wait to try it out. Also, great tribute to Thick…RIP. Thanks for the info, and keep up the great work!!!

    • SkyReaperOne
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    “I’d like to thank the devs for making this update for free”

    I mean… I’m grateful that they are still working on it, but let’s not forget that the game still isn’t complete… so… would kindof be weirder if they didn’t do it?
    And to make things clear, I’m just saying the game isn’t complete by their own standards. They wanted a story progression and a few things that have yet to be added to the game when they started the project. Like raiders. If anything, this update is pretty much a needed facelift to not fall into irrelevancy before they achieve that goal which at this point… Feels a lot like a Star Citizen deal.

    • AnteXer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    how much does it affect optimization?

    • Jordan Michael
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    does anyone know if we are going to have to restart our progress should i back up my charecter???? please i need to know

    • Tom Willett
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It would be great to get a key from you. Love all your videos been watching for over a year now and would love to be able to get a key for a friend. Cant wait to play tomorrow!

    • agresorxf
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    If you didn’t want to spoiler, why the hell are you saying there’s a secret lab under the house? Are you stupid or something?

    • Ballistic_ Void
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    there used to be a glitch in alpha 20 where i couldn’t be attacked by zombies and it was too op. Hopefully they removed it in alpha 21. Sometimes when I low on health and a zombie would have killed me and I got on a vehicle I didn’t die but it registered as i died and i could loot any monument i want to.

    • moribundxix
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    RIP Thick44 Human Man Warrior

    • Mill O
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Holy shit, I’m coming back to this for sure

    • BromoSapiens
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    My main issue with the update is that it kinda kills the “base b!tch” playstyle unless you have friends that wont just sell/use everything they find.

    • CMcc
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What engine should i run off the launcher to get that level of graphics(on ultra)?

    New to this game. Bought it years ago but never played.

    • Seerose Smanchat
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It’s been years and this game has not come out of Alpha. Not that I care. Time for another run.

    • Hunter Lane
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What do ya mean thanks for the free update? Its an early access game, what has happened to our expectations for game development 😛

    • Wesley Davis
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Neither me or my brother can even launch the game, for over a year now it’s been broken, no idea any other game I play is fine but as soon as I try to make a new world on 7days it either infinite loads when launching it or just crashes when done loading, I bought my pc specifically to play 7 days and it’s weird how things turn out. All I hear from people I beg to play 7days with me is just how unoptimized the game is, when I first got it multi-player had a 10 minute lag between me and anyone I tried playing with, I can’t even test if that’s the same because I can’t play the game anymore. I like them adding content it’s not free content u bought a pre alpha game when people say that it’s cringy, u are just getting what was promised to be delivered, unlike console players who got dicked, my main point in this comment no one will ever read is that they should focus on getn the game running perfectly and I effin know they said they wanted to finish all content and then work on the little things but that is asinine when me and everyone I know can’t even play the game, and it’s not like we’re idiots who don’t update our pcs no idea why it just stopped working 1 day, I did go to beta servers or whatever to test a new alpha a long time ago and can’t find that option anymore that’s the only thing I can think it could be but I just canted be assed to try to fix it to get a game to work when there’s so many other games that just work and I don’t have to beg friends to play, 7 days used to be my favorite game of all time and I love all the new content, I think the last time I was able to even play the game was I got in early on the drone update around about that date is the last time I was able to launch the game, been literally 2 or 3 years since I’ve been able to talk someone into multi-player and that never worked, it just frustrated everyone I tried to get play with me until they hated the game…. I just think it’s unacceptable I have these issues, especially when putting off polish for 8 years or so is just a terrible idea, leads to spaghetti code and just turns players away from the game before its even done, maybe ull get a fraction of those players back when u finalize the game but alot of people have been dicked with bad fps, bad multi-player, can’t even launch the game world, they’re never coming back to the game ever because of the bad experience and that makes me sad because I do love this game, even though I haven’t been able to even play it for a year or more i still keep it up to date and just hope it’ll fix itself because I can’t be fucked anymore to fix it only to have mega lag on multi-player or other issues, worst part is maybe all those issues have been fixed I wouldn’t even know

    • William Burroughs
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I am liking what I am seeing here. Random gen was a real pain for me. Glad to see some work here.
    Water also was a big thing. I hated the jello stuff.
    Books sounds like it might work and water might not be a problem after all.
    Seeing that window at the bottom right is not new.
    F=7 is not new.
    Now that’s a pretty high Frame rate. Sixty was good and your showing me 80,90 and 120? Nice!

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Console update?

    • pei wu
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    but will my frames still drop during hoard night?

    • Jake Jenkins
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I want this on PS5 they need to update the fuckin game just as much they do on PC!

    • Jamesom
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This looks insane now wow. So crisp and the lighting…chefs kiss

    • All for my baby boy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Only 1,000 updates behind on console lol

    • All for my baby boy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    How about finally getting a freaking update for console would be nice

    • Thomill
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks! You’re work is incredible!

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Well I haven’t seen this game since Alpha 15

    • Bilhan Bel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    so is everything working now : )

    • Will Conner
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    If I missed it sorry…when is it coming out? I couldn’t care less about streamers. I want to play!

    • Brian Some
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I know this has nothing to do with alpha 21 but does anyone know how to get better framerate during hordes? I have a rtx 3070 32gb ram and amd ryzen 7 5800x

    • Jeremy Sheather
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Joseph Robinson
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wait why is burnt forest not in rwg and pregen worlds?

    • BigSmok
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    How is this game still in alpha

    • Daft Canuck
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I was never concerned about the water collectors not giving enough water. I just thought it was rather stupid that they want to push a collector when there is water everywhere waiting to be boiled. If they wanted extra steps for collection then why not add in filtration?

    • Amrothel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    1000 FPS but wich GPU? wich CPU? How many ram? LOL

    • Rico
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Def subbing. This was a perfect breakdown. Concise and to the point.

    • JustSomeEggsInAPot
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This update looks like the exact polish update this game has needed to be serious and less of an earlly access feel

    • iVerenity
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video! Very concise and to the point. Everything is laid out very well and it was easy to follow with some great on screen examples. Earned my sub.

    • blaze Mr
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    broo i have so many questions to that update…

    • butter
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They need to update console 🙁

    • Gabriel C
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Are there any good servers to play on? I really like this game, but whenever I look at the servers, it’s just either empty, completely modded maps or crazy ping. I can’t find a nice vanilla PVP or even PVE one

    • Poptartsicles
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I know it’s all relative to PC specs, but what are your PC Specs when you got those performance metrics? ty in advance, and great video! Ty! <3

    • SmotheredDreams
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Water change is still retarded. They switched around the skills yet AGAIN, after 10 years of development, and still no fucking NPCs. The fun pimps are so fucked.

    • iPiff DeeboDank
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    been waiting for this 🙌🏾🙌🏾

    • Severed Tulips
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    My only problem with the magazine system is in multiplayer it seems like it will be difficult to specialize unless you constantly stay together.

    • Messi’s Shenanigans
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Just wish I would have seen this tomorrow when it drops for everyone

    • Frank Rada
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    learn by reading was probably inspire by darkness fall.

    • aussj4link 2
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Still not sold on the water collecting and having to read for everything but the rest looks pretty great.

    • Messi’s Shenanigans
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Damn, this looks good

    • Wayne Lue
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Jen & Random Arts
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I still have the same issue now I have to forcibly go out and do quest and loot when what I enjoy the most in this game is mining, building and killing zombies

    • House
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    “You can now shoot through doors”

    “YES, YES, YES!!!”

    “No more Sexual Tyrannosaurus”

    “NO, NO, NO!!!”

    • Péter Ponyist
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    My favorite playstile was isolation: no trader, no raiding, but the loot near in trash by the cabin I built by a lake and I got from zombi bags. I like the idea of the new system, and I hope magazines drop from zombies too and not just raids / traders.

    • Mavric315
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    10 years in and it’s still in alpha???

    • 357Mike
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Absolutely excited to play this

    • ArtyomBlin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Where is the bandits ???

    • Topher
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    RIP THICK44 nice to see them pay homage to a fallen freind , like your videos i have seen many of theirs and quite enjoy the content…. i wonder if the fun pimps might reach out and see if they could get him in the game as a zombie or trader or maybe hidden survivor…

    • Gordon Burchell
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Question I have 7 days to die for ps4 have not played in a long time is all this on ps4 too like that bow? When I use to play things were different lol

    • Nicholas
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What about the pvp for the game. Is gonna remain clunky? If they could get that smooth it would be a whole new world for us.

    • Ubaldo Von Calvo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Jesus christ, labor of love is the understatement of the year here. Holy hell, 10 years and still killing it.

    • Justsome Guy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    swimming in water is not a pun

    • Fυℓℓвяιηg
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    My Pentium processor is now crying

    • BibleNutter
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    How are they able to do this for free?

    • Deadeye
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Well can I play the Alpha 21 version on PlayStation?

    • Inhuman wayz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Loan Wolf
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i am going to try again because you make it sound fun hope im not disappointed

    • pinkxel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Excellent video! I’m even more excited about the update now!

    • Ms. Dawn Keyballs
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I have a boner!

    • StudleyDuderight
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Updates had better be free considering the game is still in alpha.

    No empty jars? No problem. That’s what mods are for. They can even revert the skill system back to the way it was it alpha 15. Progression by doing shit was much better.

    • Mitchell Hood
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No sexual Tyrannosaurus? 0/10 game literally unplayable.

    • Salty Vibes
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Made this update for free??? The game is still in Alpha after like 15 years.

    • austin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m gonna try

    • David Simpkins
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Now port to the xbox

    • Craig Trafford
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wait, is this game STILL in alpha?

    • SamCitizenMarkley
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    this is good stuff man

    • ozy locz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Omg an update. At this rate we might see full release in 7 more years

    • FreyAnn
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The thick 44 flags!! ❤

    • BalgaBear
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    10 years later, still playing!

    • IntrusiveGaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I assume this is only on pc (like the update cause i have this game on ps4)

    • Tbird761
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I can’t for the life of me figure out how the difficulty skulls work. Red, orange, and halves? wtf is it trying to tell me?

    • Modern Samurai
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    streamer privilege. normal people can’t play til monday 😐

    • nickns732
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    My wife works at a nursing home, so I cant wait for us to roleplay “defend the oldies.”

    • Mick Raymond
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When is the new update coming

    • TheRavinoth
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’ve been eyeing this game for ten (or so) years. It looks like it’s in a pretty good spot now. Thanks for the video.

    • BigK0003
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    you seriously underestimate my want for a bowling alley in a post apocalyptic setting. I built the lane and ran around the world looking for bowling pins and balls in Fallout 4.. Dont think I wont do it here too!

    • ShallowShi
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Looks like they pushed back the player model design along with themed armor again.

    • Defying Mara
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Its live for you not the rest of us.

    • Cookie Baker
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    At this point I wait for performance updates and not content updates lmao

    • rj frame
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    now did they keep the water filter mod for hats?

    • Fasdar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I personally wish they would do a mixed usage/magazine skill system. As in like you can grind making armor to a point then need a magazine to unlock the next tier. then grind again then need another magazine to unlock the next tier again.

    • N0rtallica_
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    MAy now its Time to give it a chance again. And the Honor of Thick44. Cool move!

    • Jrdallas
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This update coming to console?

    • SolitudeXo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It’s amazing that they added a nod to thick44 he will always be missed!

    • GoblinGaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Yeah not coming back to play this game 😂

    • Joseph Fred
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The fun pukes just like to ruin the game and do non sense updates

    • Sir Kaos
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Awesome video as always! I love the addition of the bloopers! 😂

    • Generic White Male
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this update current out for xbox one?

    • Steven Kenney
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    21 years to make

    • Thomas Hunter
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Let me guess only on pc while the console 7 days to die is old and left to dust and rot

    • Troy Brophy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I stopped playing when the performance dropped, even with an RTX 3080. Looks like I’ll keep waiting.

    • migs
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When i saw the update list, i was like “yeah nevermind I’ll just check in YouTube.’

    • Adriano
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Mhm, so random maps still are limited in size?

    • Zyder
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Long Live The Wyvern King.

    • unexampled
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    changes look good, thanks for the recap & can’t wait to try the new alpha!

    • Ciprian Budescu
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    “thank you do the developers who made this update for free”… seriously? it’s in early access, it’s still leagues from being able to compete with any modern zombie survival, it’s nowhere near the complete vision they have for it (by their own admission) and them releasing a paid update would be suicidal right now. yes, thank you devs for updating the game. and full stop.
    their PR team or whoever is in charge of hyping updates should hire you to do it for them, though. if i was to only follow what statements they’ve released, i’d have stopped playing long ago. thank you for the detailed descriptions and patch notes, each and every time. you, sir, have my utmost respect.

    • Spencer Noland
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Too bad we can’t get a single update on console

    • Dr. Sam
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    We need a new UI for consoles, this UI is over a decade old.

    • Tipper Dipper
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What an awesome update, you laid out so much more than I saw in the patch notes!

    • Not_Evil_
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I liked the saturated items with paint, now its useless

    • Lukas Vindevoghel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    when is beta?

    • lunan wesp
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Look this, look that… what my brain think: ” buy more ram “. kkkk

    • Cursed Paladin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Man I’m watching on my phone and the video 100% still does it justice, that lighting, flame and shadow effect combo is pure immersion

    • John A.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    “learned by reading has been critically acclaimed by some people”… but not most people. Some learning by reading would be fine, but you are still relying on luck of looting to be able to do anything, if you don’t get lucky you are SOL for the things you are trying to do. Learn by “doing” and a little by reading would be fine especially if they made it so you could make the top tier things, but thats it own issue since you can craft a lesser quality item that says it should be a higher tier/level, something that should NEVER happen.

    7Days still has identity issues deciding what type of game it is. Is it a tower defense game, is it a zombie survival game, is it a crafting game, or is it a lesser version of all of all of them combined?

    All in all I think we are still waiting for the mod pack creators to make the game more interesting outside of cosmetic changes (and downgrades).

    • Aerin Gothyk
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow this makes it look like a new game entirely

    • John A.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Seeds and food for Rekt makes sense seeing as farming was turned shit feature.

    • Ben Richard
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again… you make the BEST video game videos. I must say your ability to edit and generate professional content is unmatched by any streamer in any game. Great job man!

    • Pigeon Qc
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When are gonna they update the game on consoles??? They really focking sox!

    • Michael Moers
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    alpha 21 looks great!! Thank you for creating yet another stellar video. Your production quality is Top notch! see you in the trenches.

    • Teseu Tressoldi
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You said the 21.7 is live but on my steam it still on 20.7, not even on beta I can choose 21.7, or I missed something?

    • Sidiax
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video, summarized the update perfectly!

    • Mattijs Buys
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Earned my subscribtion today. Good material! Tx! Hope to see more in the future.

    • Dan Marchildon
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When? When can we play it?

    • Jamie Geezer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Roll on console update day

    • penitent2401
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    will this game ever leave alpha?

    • TimeMage88 x
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What game is this?

    I am on console 🙁

    • meh.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i backed this game on kickstarter way back when. played it once or twice and then never looked at it again. seeing this video now, it has come a LOOOOOONG ass way, man!
    i’m going to start playing again right now.

    • JamesPlaysGames
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    IVE WAITED.. YEARSSS, you have no idea. This looks amazing

    • TwistedGaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hi When is A21 Experimental being released ?

    • Mikal Cobbs
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Now, how much longer is this going to be alpha?

    • GodsKing
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank you for adding the thick 44 flag. Major respect long hail the wyvern king 👑

    • yousarr name
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Are the zombies still *magically* knows where the weak point in your defences, say zeds beelining all-around concrete wall but one wooden panel which had been omitted by mistake?

    • Flasham
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is it out yet?

    • bigc90210
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    great review, very well put together. you should have mentioned your rig specs (even “im running on a 3080) so we have an idea of performance relativity, but really good job dude

    • kgld jkgur
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    sad that when horde hits u have 15 fps on medium pc

    • Christopher sexton sr
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    THIIIIIIIIIIIIICK YYYYYYYY?!?!?!?! Dam man. Neebs crew is amazing. So sad for their loss bruh.

    • Jack Snow
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    that is a gigantic update! not seen a dev/dev team do that before

    • Fabes Ohoulihan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Human Man Warrior Forever!

    • Jihh
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What I love about the magazines is that they are a pull factor. Back when they made zombies dig down again they argued that they don’t want people to spend all their time underground. I then argued in the forum that that’s a bad way to get people out of their underground bases, because it’s a push factor. Rather than forcing people out they should create incentives to leave the base, that’s better game design in my opinion.

    • Ben R
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    without empty jars, are we still able to make Molotov cocktails?

    • Free Spirit Dottie
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When can we expect the new Update to arrive can’t wait….

    • CiggyNZ
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this a new game or update to 7days?

    • Major Louis
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hi I,m new to this , can anyone tell me is this update on xbox series x thank u

    • Sebastian Tøkje
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • verklopperin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Ps4 or nothinh!!!!!

    • Jalbesbe
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    First they take away my spike blocks that I’d decorate my base with for both looks and defense, now they take my Predator Reference away. What’s next, the goth boots and biker jacket. They already destroyed the strength of the raider gear

    • 50bmger
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Dam xbox must be decades away from getting this

    • Asero
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Typical streamer reaction to controversial changes: I seriously love it.

    • Just Another Blue Belt
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is console getting an update too?

    • Seigen Nerhel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I just need one of those fantastic 20+ hours video on alpha 21. And than another one with the mods.

    • Knight Artoras
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Will the implement random NPC survivors?

    • Mark Bernard
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Im still waiting for Alpha 352

    • King Leviathan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i dont understand the water/rain collector thing, since they removed water jars how do you collect the water from them?

    • fvb7
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Was really hoping they didn’t mess this up. Such heavy and unwanted changes bad enough to make Saven tap. Really hoping it’s not bad.

    • Will Hale
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this update for consoles too?

    • Chad Olson
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video, thanks. Looking forward to getting my hands on A21

    • A Lawnmower
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Finally, attacking through broken doors!

    • Simple Tora
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I still think Khaine did a better job than TFP in making what feels like a fully complete games. The demons are kinda meh (tho fun to take on) since they are so random but the progression, the balance, the difficulty, everything in darkness falls feels amazing to play. Most of this patch seems like the same thing with a new coat of paint. I love 7 days it’s super fun, but they really should just release the game and get an official steam workshop and just let modders do the rest.

    • space-champ YT
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I love this channel so much i cant even play the new version cuz im on console but you’ve made me love it

    • JFleezy20
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Luc Bohunicky
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Can someone please tell me, or do a test, re: how zombies path through water? We mention a “moat base,” but I’m not sure how pathing works through/around the moat base. Thanks! 😊

    • Adyn Segrest
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is there quest on console yet I haven’t touched 7 days to die in a year or two

    • TexasGTO
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    8:30 I dunno man… RNG progression seems frustrating and time consuming.

    • Wanderinpaladin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    My only problem with Learn by Looting…er…reading, is multiplayer. You can’t have a dedicated looter unless everyone is going for the same spec, and who is going to be the same spec while playing together. I will never wield a shotgun while my brother can’t start a game without making a shotgun. Now we will have to double loot places so he gets his shotgun mags and I get my anything else mags.

    • EX7Sonic
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    2:10 43 because we’re missing (some)one?

    • ItslMithras
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No more wires connecting to heaven 😂 but tbh, this is a massive update and I’m excited to play it again!

    • Destero
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This looks GREAT!

    • Hydrated Beans
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Crazy that a game I first played in like, 2011 or 12, Is still in alpha

    • qwby
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    How does the magazine system work for multiplayer? I see you playing solo

    • Squirrel Attackspidy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Game is all foam and no beer. Still no npcs. When you loot it’s just the same crap in different containers.

    • EvilGoodGuy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Excellent video, man!
    It feels like such a professional and well put together run down of the update that most people would probably assume it’s put together by the devs 😀

    It’s amazing how far 7DTD has come. It’s criminally underrated and seeing this update really makes me want to jump back in it,

    • Jester
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I really want to get a backpack u can make for a little extra storage

    • Carlos Dante Nicolas de la Fuente
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank you 👋👋👋👍

    • Cowbella
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When can we get some cross play >.<

    • Geldtas
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They really should add fishing

    • Erelyes
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Pretty excited for this update. It would be nice to see some improvements to the questing – it’s hard with some POIs to figure out what you’re supposed to do, the fallen over tower in particular is frustrating because you end up going all over the place trying to figure out where the last zed is. Even a perk in the perception tree that gives you the ability to sense sleeping zed’s would be good.

    • John DeRossett
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I don’t see it listed in STEAM.

    • AdamantiumReaver
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They need DLSS

    • Vinceras
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The Thick44 tribute flag legit gave me a lump in my throat…so freaking awesome that you all did that for him!

    • bLUNtsAw
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This is all well and good but WHEN will it look like this on ps5?!!!

    • Nobadindo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I like your video ❤

    • knappieboy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I actually love the learn by reading as well, more replayability for me instead of immediately just selling all duplicate books

    • Silentwisher
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    all i can say is wow! So excited for this update!

    • Dustin Pacezsny
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I was hoping the would honor thick 44

    • Kriptic Wolf808
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Seeing these always get me hopefull that console could get like half of these but alas itll never happen

    • Ori Moreau
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    the more skill points you put into specific category the more magazines you are going to find of that type?
    dunno chief, sounds really ‘gamey’ and weird.
    Just because my character is into tinkering/mechanics does that mean that now the whole area just happens to also be disproportionally into it with more magazines laying around?
    dig the other changes though, can’t wait to play it ( on youtube )

    • RSdieguito
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The main question IS, When they improve this building system? Dude, they need to change this square blocks, it’s so weird! You try to repair a desk and BOOM! she was transformed into a solid wood block.

    • BeyondCashed
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    UI is still cheap and ugly, but this is cool, looking forward to jumping back in after years

    • Michael Gay
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Im thrilled to see this and would love to join there team I have so many ideas for my own game but if they keep this up I want to just enhance this game.

    • Rex 99
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I wonder when our characters will look as good as those trader NPC´s?…

    • MrMcStupid
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Sorry mate, anything that changes player agency is usually bad thing. Time will tell with this, it’s a hard change to deal with, when the old system wasn’t broken. (Learn by reading/combined with the glass jar’s… Why?) Why Fix it? Everything else looks so amazing >.<

    • Philip Badenhorst
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No game have I tried to get into like 7 days to die. I really wish I could get into it but have a couple of hours I just get bored and feel like there is no point as I can just hide on roofs or block builds off to stay alive. I’m sure late game you can’t but nothing sucks you in early. I have tried this game with maybe 5 different friends as we love zombie games and all feel the same. I wish they would add a city building aspect into it. Something that makes you feel like you’re building something exciting. Just my thoughts as I will be trying it out again. If you anyone can recommended mods or whys for me to play I would greatly appreciate it as I really want to love this game ❤. Not hating I just really feel like this is a game that should be massive

    • Locusthorde
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    >Only alpha 21
    entire generations of consoles and games have come, gone, come again, and gone again.

    • Capn’ Loader
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Stone windows and fences still make no damn sense at all – absolutely the most lazy dev work imaginable. I also expect one of the first mods will be to get rid of the gigantic and poorly-placed POI identifier. They should have just added the skulls to the upper right display.

    • Fake Floozy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    what graphics card are you using

    • Dakota Sutton
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    so it technically not “live”, its just for streamers atm…. I got excited just to have to wait…

    • Gaming Fox Tunlor
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    glad to see theyre keeping up with the meme of making the trader stupid expensive for some things.
    ah yes that level 3 machete I can make 20 of definitly is worth 7000 coins. xD

    • Shadilay
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    8:50 Gentlemen

    • Cheesy Danish Gaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    How the fuck is this game still in alpha

    • Zim Zimmerman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    forcing you to quest more might be acceptable if the quests weren’t so horrifically bad, the book system makes no sence

    • Simplex
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    where are the marauders?

    • Michael Bevan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow. Looks cool. Thank you for summary. Def earned a sub!

    • Kurtis Beacroft
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I just started playing this last week and now an update, will my current save be upgraded or do I need to restart?

    • Varmint260
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    TFP should hire you as a PR rep! Your video makes the update sound WAY cooler than they did. I’m super excited to explore all the new POIs.

    • SrAgente Bofia
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    How can i play the experimental?

    • narutofanz4
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I remember playing this game from kickstarter, I have always enjoyed this game. It is extremely fun with friends or on public servers

    • smirkingdevil
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great review. Looking forward to Monday, when the rest of us can experience the latest update.

    • Birdy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I feel like the magazine change really pushes those that like doing things other than looting into only being able to loot to progress.
    Possibly give a reward for mining x amount of materials or building x amount of blocks, the reward being skill magazines.
    If the main aim of the game is looting, why give us base building, mining, farming, etc as other activities?

    • Aussie Farmer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Have not played this game in many years, since they brought in sleeper mobs, I liked the build a underground bunker with concrete and steel and play defense until a blood moon, but with sleeper mobs they spawn everywhere and have not played 7 days to die for a very long time.

    • B Fish
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m actually excited by learn by reading. I kinda hated the fact that if you have level 5 crafting for stone, you could craft level 5 steel items. It also allows mods that bring in more weapons because it won’t dilute the blueprint pool too badly.

    • Sam Pipes
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    That’s cool. When are they gonna add the last 3 years of content to console?

    • Jobber Jerry
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This pc and console?

    • realism51
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • gadot
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    13:59 ❤⚡

    • nosgoth13
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Give us the key

    • realism51
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    BUT you know the normal stuff, bad optimization and terrible fps for the next 6 months

    • Timour mari muntz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Nice, they fixed my only caviat with this game, the textures!

    • calbo1954
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I was sketchy one this one but I am fast becoming sold. It looks like a lot of fun

    • Ekko 13
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wauw.. first time seeing you.. and you really look like the postal dude! 😀 Cheers mate! Great vids..

    • Anton Gully
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Modern graphics? Like, better than Minecraft? I gotta check this out! Can’t believe this game is still early access and I’m still putting in hundreds of hours. One of us needs to get a life!

    • Drake Hurley
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Can some other developers just buy this game out already?
    Maybe bring in a publisher and expand operations?
    Waiting over a year for something like this is just, depressing.
    I mean I’m not expecting seasonal content but given what they’ve showed off, what they’re working on, it’s just clear they need more hands on deck.
    Thank god we have mod overhauls that keep this game alive…

    • Alien Aura
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    is this for console aswell?

    • James Karg
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The mag. progression system is where, respectfully, we’re all gonna have to disagree.
    Its not “natural”, its a crutch to force player to make needless risk for miniscule reward. Just SEEING the 100 point system for the mag system for tools alone proves my eorst fear for this updaye: “Its JUST RNG grind now, its an effing WASTE of time to luck out with senseless repetition of loot-loot-loot, read-read-read, repeat its STUPID, its not fun for folks whove FOLLOWED this games dince its early alphas”

    • EverythingEverywhere
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Will this be added in the console update?

    • Really Bad Gamer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Nice work man. This looks really exciting. Happy to see you doing so well… such an awesome video.

    • dra6o0n
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Unity Lays Off Hundreds of Employees and Plans to Shut Down Half its Locations
    Akshay Patel
    Published May 5, 2023

    Unity, one of the most popular game engines in the world, has laid off 600 employees and also plans to cut down its office locations from 58 to 30. The global tech industry has already seen a record number of layoffs across major tech firms recently, and this is the third time in the past year that Unity has reduced its workforce.

    The Unity engine has been used to develop some of the most popular games available today, including titles like Pokemon Go, Cuphead, Rust, Genshin Impact, and many others. Apart from console and PC games, it has also been used to develop VR and mobile games, which puts it right next to Epic’s Unreal Engine in terms of widespread usage and popularity. However, Unity was also forced to rethink its strategy amid the global tech slowdown, which eventually led to company-wide layoffs.

    • dra6o0n
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The game performance will never be on par with better game engines overall, because Unity can hold back a lot of potential in better frame rates overall the heavier the workloads.

    Last I checked, Unity as in the game engine itself, doesn’t make full use of your CPU and Threads.

    • Mihai Ciornei
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    when we can update ???

    • Marco Valk
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Awesome video!

    Did anything change when you die?

    • Cole Ernest
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Sure wish console version was updated like this

    • Greg Scott Bailey
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Damn I love your editing, man. lol. Great vid and as always, loving your insights!

    • Sky
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank the Lord the graphics were what was stopping me from playing this game.

    • YoMistaWhite
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this going to be on console? Tried playing on console but it looks terrible and doesn’t interest me enough to play but this makes me want to try it.

    • Dogtor Spudnik
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Daniel Robertson
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I am in love with these updates. KEY me in to all the new tips and tricks 😉

    • Jim Halpert
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So if anyone would like to answer me I’ve been trying to figure it out but can’t, is A21 live for PlayStation and if so is it only for ps5? I’m figuring so but would love to know, thanks in advance 🙏

    • all might fan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    yes i love the new books it gives me more of a reason to savage and search every house

    • James Karg
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I really love that Funpimps did something to honor Thick. That I think REALLY makes this update very sentimental 🙂

    • Chr1stmasCat
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    add sex

    • Wesley Loyd
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    never been more excited for an update before

    • The Comedian
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When is the update available to everyone?

    • RahxephonXtra
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    By your own admission, Learn by reading is still completely useless and (in my opinion) an unnecessary change.
    The fact that you found those magazines so quickly defeats to purpose of locking them off since you will still need to grind up levels to grind for those magazines. And we all know how great RNG is when you need a specific upgrade and cannot find the magazine anywhere (cough Forge cough). It’s the same thing they did before and later had to undo it.

    • Roseanne Martin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Now, as someone who used to love playing on completely blank custom worlds, no towns or pois at all, is the game still viable for me to play as much as it was before?

    • MaxDickings
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    And just like that you got me interested in the game again!

    • Mat whome
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    looks good, but i wont do an update yet, going by previous alphas theres tons of bugs, normally gets ironed out around the v4 and so on

    • Little_Pee_Boi420
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Why do they keep making their game worse

    • Owlincoup
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Holy crap, love the new blooper feature!

    • gymkhanadog
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Oooooo! Can’t wait to re-download this later today and give it a shot.

    • Monkerlotus
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    luck based progression wooooo……

    • clownofwar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Difficulty is overrated just barge in and beat the ever living undeath out of those zombies 🙂

    P.S i was really hoping that the character of the player was going to be a lot less stiff, but sadly it still feels like a stick figure.

    • Yourboizach
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Holy, I’m blown away by this update I can’t wait to sink my teeth in, the only sad thing is I can’t play DF for the next few months haha.

    • dem0nchild610
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m gonna fly the wyvern king flag high and underneath it I’m gonna put “because you are nothing”

    • Nemissis4265
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Love how you day bY DaY SEvne 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 idiot. By day ONE you could have water you need and you say By DAY SevN FlDrrr 😂😂 thats shit and the crafting is shit. BY aFEw DaYs i HaD WorK bEnCh . Oh yeah pre patch we would have it DAY ONE. DAY ONE THING BECAME DAY 12

    • Kyle Simmons
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    welp no sexual Tyrannosaurus ….time to uninstall

    • kopwolf79
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    loving the thick44 tribute. would of been cool if they renamed beau zombie as thick

    • FFGamingen YT
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • BarkingDeathSquirrel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    There needs to be an option to turn off the immersion breaking difficulty level and location name feature. That thing sucks.

    • Sensiblechuckle
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Any optimization?

    • Se05239
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    A big chunky ass update, this.

    • Kacper
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    wow looks interesting, i might come back to try out 😀

    • The last Minuteman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Did they fix the ridiculous weapon sights on the new weapon models or am going to have to hope DLX Weapons Fix mod still works?

    • SuperAmmo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wasn’t excited for this patch one bit until I watched this.

    • cliffopoo11
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The Lazy Pimps couldnt explain thier way out of a paper bag, tem went over the changes elegantly. Be better tfp

    • LtStatic
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    it wont make sense in a game, but a zombie should not be able to damage some blocks, as their skin alone is not hard enough to damage some stuff, like if u were to scrape a steal beam with your hand, nothing would happen, so the health should not be effected, but if a zombie with a club or something were to hit it, then it might dent etc.

    • skalapunk
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    How does this dev do all this?

    • Noob Driver
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    A21 looks damn goood

    • Aaron D
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this just for pc? Last time I checked this game out on Xbox it had not been updated in years.

    • angel wlliams
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    just joined the discord very excited to be a part of the alpha 21release, I am a late joiner to 7D2D started in alpha 20 mostly because of neebs gaming and then found this channel love the content so much you show its ok to die.

    • Redinferno1210
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video!

    • Cannon_Bacon
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Bro, i wasent going to pmay 7days agein, now i want to play it, is the update out out?

    • 8bit phoenix
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    dont care for the thick44 addition, most people dont even have a clue of who he is.
    I remember I joined a server where one of the admins passed so they built a memorial for him.
    as someone who was new to the server and had no clue who he was it was just creepy, was glad when it was gone after wipe.

    Really wish they would focus on improving fps after a decade, nah instead they made it worse.

    • The last Minuteman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I like learn by reading. That’s basically how Undead Legacy works and I think it’s a great system. Learning skills out of thin air via perks is stupid. Exp is how you should improve existing skills.

    • Repo Man
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Read to learn is nice,.. I liked the H1Z1 system where you learned by combining random stuff and figuring it out,.. seems like the closest thing to it,.. God i miss Just Survive, before the switch to new maps it was sooo great.

    • Chance Darling
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    me who’s still on a version of the game from 2017: 😢

    • ITOSaga
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Holy hell this is pretty hype!
    Started my playthrough a week ago on A20 and enjoying my time. Looks like i gotta make a second playthrough soon lol.

    • Repo Man
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    wow, 10 years later it actually looks playable.

    • uxtalzon
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Has farming changed at all from A20?

    • MadDead
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I am still not sold on the new learning by looting system but otherwise its seems mostly what was expected, besides the water system. I wonder if they made the water system more mild than they first announced it because of the backlash because it certainly didn’t sound like you would be able to find or buy water that easily to supplement your needs. Maybe its just the usual crap communications skills of TFP. Who knows

    • suzaku90
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This patch is gonna be epic! Hello another hundreds hours! 😂

    • joe henry
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Did they fix the crashing?

    • RustyMan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    80fps on Ultra? I don’t believe what I’m seeing

    • StorsGT
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    when will the update launch?

    • Yung Lyun
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Using a 4090 and still on the struggle bus, I’m hopping the FP will focus on optimizing the game for the next update.

    • TheLazySoldier
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m most excited for the water lol

    • Block Chang
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Looks waaay better and more immersive. Gonna give it a go tonight!

    • Reblwitoutacause
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    RIP Sexual Tyrannosaurus. Can’t believe they really removed that classic perk.

    • Reblwitoutacause
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Portapotty doors. We’ve waited long enough.

    • Joshua Jordan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Still a bit skeptical about the magazine system, but can’t wait to play it!

    • crittersfromthedark
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    love the channel , and the content .
    it looks to me it is now way harder to level all your skills than before .
    you need to grind way more just for basic stuff .
    but i like 7days to die , so grinding is a thing i do .
    the water change is i think not good , in any logic game it need to be normal to take water whit cans or bottle’s and clean it .
    but anyway it is not even stuff for me because console is again left out of the update’s .
    no hate on the channel or the defs , but it need to be said console need a update to thy paid probably more for there editions of 7day’s to die and or again left out of a update .
    love the channel love the content love the game .

    • AFk Making Cannonballs
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    how long untill this is pushed out

    • leifcatt
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thick 44 forever.
    R.I.P. Tony, you had more friends than you knew.

    • Nathan Brooks
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Unless they finally gonna update the game I payed the same price you did for, on the console I paid for it on in good faith. Then Idgaf about the game or the fun pimps.

    • Jon S.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wish I still cared been waiting for the update for the playstation for so long now I have given up.

    • MikeGamerGuy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Doesn’t matter if water isn’t scarce. Not being able to go to a lake or river and fill up containers is just not a survival game anymore. It’s a gimmick that breaks immersion. Sometimes everyone else is doing a thing because it just makes sense and going against the grain just makes ya look dumb. If the end result is practically the same, what was it that needed fixing? You’re swimming in water. Great… why did they need to change it again?

    • Santino León Ciccio escalante
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    can you do darknees falls again???
    pls its my favorite mod

    • Scumbucky s
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Holy fucking shitballs!!!

    • Bean
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    still looks shite

    • Martin Eggman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Not a big fan of the ‘game stages’ thing I know people can abuse It but I liked the Idea of being able to find top quality gear early on by luck and looting, having stages just feels to gamey, I never really used traders so that change doesn’t bother me much but I still feel It’s kinda restrictive that you’ve gotta get to a certain stage in the world for things to start spawning, It doesn’t make much sense to me.

    • MiriQL Movies
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    they gotta put effort in PVE like we are waiting for NPCs for such along time. maybe a story.. cmon where are they

    • IaIaCthulhuFtagn
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks for the rundown on the update.

    • Troyce Bryan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I really appreciate the Thick44 tribute in the new 7 days update, been a big fan of Neebs gaming for years.. its nice to see that the fun pimps recognize this, and added in a Thick44 flag to honor one of the fallen.. in the gamer community. I will be sporting my Thick flag in my base .. and thanks so much GNS for adding this in your video..

    • Marek S
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game is still in alpha? My God. It looks nice though compared to when I played it when it was alpha 7

    • Jason Miller
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The improvements overall are amazing, but I don’t think I can come back until they find a way to optimize performance with 2+ players. I don’t like playing alone, and even with dedicated servers having more than 2 people on for Horde Night past day 49 is just awful for FPS. It blows my mind that this game advocates playing with friends but also depreciates with each person who logs on to a server.

    • Juan Martinez
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    thanks for the video bro

    • Ghost AssAssin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    man i can’t wait to see how is alpha 22 gonna look like

    • Air Bourne
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Cant believe the devs have sat on their hands for this long. Updates have been lacking and the ones they did were shit. Console players are still being left behind even though they sold more copies on console than on pc. Only reason this game is still alive is cause of moders that added these updates years and I mean literally years ago

    • Romey1son
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Im not to keen in the new trading system but everything else looks fun, just wish gamepass would hurry up and update.

    • Pharos EDM
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow, looks and runs fantastic! Bout to jump back in, thanks!

    • Libertus Primus
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Long Live the Wyvern King.
    He will be looting all the POIs before us in the Navazgane upstairs.

    • Mr. Blamed
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No wonder why they update game once in a while. This looks good.

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    That hit me so hard finding out thick 44 died. I’m in tears right now…. Fuck man this is such sad news.

    • Insiainutorr T
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    looking forward to try it

    • BowTie 8 Bit
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    7 days is the best worst game ever made, or the worst best game ever made. It’s almost as never-going-into-beta as Star Citizen lol — also, the game is horrendous on GPU and frame rate at sunrise and sunset, or it was. Did this get addressed?

    • Doll Face
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    wasnt barbed wire originally in but got taken out?

    • Cutz McOnions
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    really nice way of presenting info here. especially the controversial ones like the water and crafting books. doesnt sound so bad anymore.

    • CypherOfSolace
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Traders always spawning on the corner of cities was the worst change they ever made to the game. Thank god its getting removed.

    • Lara
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You’ve gotta be the easiest to understand and most helpful, but also super entertaining. Kudos to you.

    • Derick
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    First RIP Thick44.

    Second: BOOO. I loved throwing spears…. Right in the crotch. Instant “pitched tent” Always a wonderful joke.

    • THEvince
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    so wen can we download aphla 21 🙂

    • Jugga Zombie
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What annoys me is that I’ve also paid and waited for A21 why can’t I have a go 😂

    • Eric David
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Ah, yes, now my graphics card will no longer run the game.

    • John
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The graphical enhancements are fantastic!

    • Rushy Rush
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Oh 44! 44!

    • Sam W
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow they fix the graphics now it look much better

    • Gaming with Riv
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Excellent review, will definitely be heading back to 7 Days to check out the new version.
    Thanks for your time making the in-depth video.

    • Blue Canary
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m so excited to try out this new alpha. It looks really good!

    • MitchThePreacher
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Fantastic preview of things to come, you’ve sold me on the magazine skill system too as I LOVE looting and this even further encourages that!

    • Bcav712
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Damn I had no idea Thick passed away

    • Steve Fisher
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Looking forward to the update, the water purifier thing can still f**k off though 🤣

    • VideoGamesMusicMe
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I feel disappointed, like it looks nice and there are some nice upgrades but there’s a lot that makes me sad to see the old updates go.

    • bradsipod
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This video was excellent as always but wow what a good, informative and even entertaining watch. Well done!

    • Scorpain111
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Anyone know the release date 👀

    • Marvin Van Loon
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So excited for all these new changes and models!

    • Person IDK
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Has anyone else noticed the new daylight looks a lot more washed out? I haven’t seen anyone talking about it. It looked the same in the livestreams I watched too.

    Prime example at 16:36

    I don’t really like it tbh, I really liked the warm daylight of Alpha 20, hopefully its just something in the graphics settings.

    • BUDA
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I 100% agree about the magazines. I really loved the old schematic system felt alot more like a survival game

    • Travis
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I hope they fix the pop in issue that’s been there forever.

    • Jwers
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So the update is out?

    • Cifer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No more spear throwing? WHY!?

    • Bear Naff
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The trader stage changes are disappointing. The ability to turn effort (saved Dukes) into a higher tier of equipment was a good tradeoff. Hopefully mod authors correct the Fun Pimps short-sightedness.

    • WillieWayneGaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    so excited to play this. looking forward to your a21 content!

    • Jonathan Lee
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video! I didnt know that specializing in certain perks increase the amount of magazines u get for that.. not bad..still a lil on the fence, but u made it more understandable..lol

    • TheGrimriftstalker
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks for this! Awesome coverage!

    • gokartmania
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    But wait…do we still eat meat wallets?

    • John Kirk
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • hawkinatorgamer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video, super stoked for this update.

    • Absolute Zero
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Really wish they would have continued work on the console version.

    • Ben Barlow
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This all seems like fluff to distract from the fact that they can’t seem to put together a story that has been promised for nearly a decade.

    • Blaine the Mono
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    R.I.P. S Rex 🙁

    • Gabriel Lim
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    excellent presentation

    • Limp_breadstic
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    any console update?

    • Raw Gage
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Damn Tem, looking POLISHED! 🤩👍
    I love the upgrade and see the growth in You as well as your channel. A button down shirt is the mark of a true professional.
    Look into getting (pull over) black collared shirts with an embroidered GNS logo on the chest like Polo shirts for specialty streams… I’d buy a few!
    I completely love how you’re making this YouTube venture a serious investment; the future is lookin’ sweet 😎👍

    • Olivia
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Love you thick 44 😘😎

    • S-P-Y
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’ve been defending 7 days for way to long 😅 very glad to finally see a big update like this

    • Mapleboi
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    What about giving us back the Blunderbuss

    • Mr Woof Woof
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hmm then how dose a builder that dosent go out to loot often get better stuff

    • Gary Tonion
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This looks amazing I can’t wait for it to go public

    • Ryan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I still wish it didn’t take 10 years to get to this point.. hopefully they don’t rip all this out and redo it again for some reason and can focus of adding more quests and things that add value instead of redos.

    • MysticBGaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Except the experimental isn’t here. Its only here for streamers. We have to wait till Monday to opt in.

    • Smooose
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great work Tem, awesome vid as always ! This has me hyped for A21 !!

    • GodDragon Axl & Ghost
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You said the experimental update is live but I can’t find it on my drop down list in Steam. Is it a separate download or something?

    • ussenterprisenxo1
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • One Autumn Leaf
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow this is actually a super amazing update, nice to see some new things again.

    • Jimusmc
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    some good things, some awful things.

    seriously i loved the earlyish motorcycle.

    • Marcus Juhasz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Cannot wait for the finished product

    • skitso Gaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The mention of thick 44 and Easter egg is nice.

    • Malavos
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Another W Guns, Nerds and Steel video

    • ♍️ Virgo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Love ❤the Thick44 flags!
    RIP Tony you’re dearly missed. I keep playing his videos playing the guitar 😢
    Such a great guy. All the good ppl are taken way too early 😢

    • MethosTR
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’ve still got some mixed feelings about the “learn by reading” system personally. In the maps I play with friends, I am the main looter and I’m good at it. In your video you had multiple important things unlocked by only day 7. I am concerned that this will make progression a bit too fast for players like me.

    Undead Legacy struck a pitch-perfect balance with its progression systems, and after having played on that, it seems like Alpha 21 will be a return to the breakneck pace of progression of before. The kind of progression that causes many players, including myself, to get very bored after like day 35 or 49.

    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No glass jars, no throwing spears…….but I saw how you ran over that zombie with the 4×4 at 13:06 and I was like YES.

    • Andrew Kemp
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Update is in fact NOT live, an annoucement on its launch will be given:
    > Expect a public experimental to follow sometime Monday afternoon June 12th.

    • Morrow Jack
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    One of the big reasons I did not enjoy this game is the potato graphics really took away from the horror and immersion.

    • fgzhtsp
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Remembering how long it took me to find the machete blueprint, I prefer the new system.

    • Easily irritated imp
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They actually released it?

    • Emoc8
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video and info, as always! Looking forward to diving into the new Alpha!

    • Tsuu
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So basically, use the trader as much as possible or get fucked.

    • Kuriea
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I am super excited for proper water. I have been waiting for that since like A13

    • Kuriea
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I do not mind learn by reading, but it makes things difficult for the base builder who does not explore. I will have to play a bit to see how hard it will be for me to get my skills required with minimal exploring

    • Look ItsRain
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Im still not sold on the learn by reading, just from your skill list after 7 days, its just a bunch of scattered points all over the place with no *real* rewards for what you want your character to be. Taking actual skillpoints into trees that barely seems to buff those skill books just seems unenjoyable, and if your a person that likes to mostly build, your SOL, no books for you. FunPimps yet again forcing another playstyle and changing to system again for absolutely no reason, like they have done for years.

    Water system changes are still dumb, you can drink from a water source but cant put it in a jar? Come on now, i would maybe understand if food/water was more complex/interesting, but its just a number on your screen that goes up and down, delaying the inevitable infinity water supply by force gating it out of nonsense mechanics is stupid and im sure the first mod released fixes this.

    • Patrick
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    thank you:)

    • impablomations
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Whats your CPU/GFX specs for the FPS test?

    • Barbakoa
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I have to admit I’ve always liked learn by looting. It makes more sense and feels more realistic. Obviously there aren’t hundreds of random magazines around the city, but it mimics having to explore and learn from your surroundings pretty nicely. I don’t have an alternative.

    • Andrés Ojeda
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I pretty much only feel suprised by the fix to the water, I can just say “Finally”.

    • TantraMan 0607
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m excited for this…but now TFP….D4 dropped, HC WoW is bumpi….uhg….I may have to quit work.

    • Devon Farrar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hi bud. Key plz

    • Sara Gargiulo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Release date?

    • Mike Kimball
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank you sir! Your dedication is greatly appreciated!

    • eriksonfilework
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    just a comment to statisfy the algorithm

    • Nate The Great
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I really hope they don’t nerf archery.

    • † Masterhp †
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Game ran like shit I wonder what my FPS will be now lol

    • Darrylx444
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Will prior alpha saves work now, with this new one?

    • lou west
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Ya know, running a 3070ti when I upgraded from my 2700x which was 70fps with med high settings to a 5800x3d now 165fps with lows in the 70’s and high settings. The x3d did miraculous improvements to performance with 7 days to die. The best upgrade ever.

    • Olive Gaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video but I have to add one caveat: IGNORE THE PERFORMANCE SECTION OF THIS VIDEO… there’s a 99% chance that you will NOT have this level of performance. The performance showed in this video is showin on top tier hardware, that’s very expensive and 99% of this audience will NOT have 64gb of ram, and a 4090 gpu… That alone is over $2000, NOT counting the motherboard and CPU. So ignore the performance section of this video.

    • Kauthaji
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    C’mon Monday!!!

    • Lil Farmer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    the biome multipliers are not new. they are live in A20 with the same values.

    • Nazemi
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Ric Hill
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m repaying for a game that will not work on my xbox one that has an update that will easily run my series s? He’ll conan and marvel run this good. Don’t make console owners rebuy this.

    • Louis Buss
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Nooo! Sexy T! How dare they remove that

    – Crazy cool update though:)

    • Ric Hill
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Sorry tem. As a console owner. Looks like this could still play on xbox one.
    Sorry again as a texan from detroit

    • Sefian FM
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Liked just for the Thick44 tribute alone!

    • inciting a riot
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Can’t wait for this to get to consoles.

    • Sam Merkle
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Holy cow these changes are amazing!!

    • Lj Fuentes
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks for the overall info, would be waiting all other vids

    • Ste Ohara
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The fact they still call this an alpha after more than 15 years is a joke

    • Jordan Field
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The FPS representation in buildings I assume would’ve been much worse had you waken the zombies up

    • Persen ubernation
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    A21 simply doesn’t exist

    • Charlie
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    OK, what rig are you using to get those FPS?
    Will an old 1060 or a 2070 be able to do that?

    • Harbard the wanderer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    At least it’s a free update for pc. As a console peasant, I must chose whether or not to pay for it. Again…😂 Love the content and this community is showing it’s self to be the coolest I’ve experienced!😎

    • Doug
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Well done again! Excited to try out this great looking update! – key

    • Adonis Batheus
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When are the player models going to be updated?? They’re so hideous compared to everything else now.

    • Bradford Phelps
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Daamn…this was a great video as always GNS

    • Alyssa Faden
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    A21 looks amazing, but you will never convince me that the skillbooks was a good idea.

    sure, for a single player who is out and about in the game recording a youtube video .. right, you’re going to trip over the darn things.

    But in a multiplayer game where it is more role-based: the base sorter, the farmer, the cooker, the miner who likes staying in a hole (that’s me!) … this update basically says:
    like cooking? too bad! get out into the world!
    Like sitting in a mine? TOO BAD! get out into the world

    this update is forcing a certain play style. It is the funpimps saying “we want you to be out more. we don’t want you to have broader choice, we want you to play how WE like.”

    they’ve been doing this for the last 10 alphas, and this is a prime example.

    • Chriss Beausoleil
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m watching the B roll… and holy shit does the game look awesome. I’m genuinely looking forward to monday to try my luck in navezgane.

    • Insanityplea
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I just wish they would backtrack a bit on the lack of optimization until done side. I had a PC that could run the game but cities and large POIs just ate the poor thing. Go into a server with buddies and if the server is registering city chunks cause people are over there, I could be a few chunks away and still lag when facing that direction.

    New PC probably wont have any issues but my old PC wasnt exactly a shitbox either. I look at every new update as just another group of people that cant play because they cant afford a better rig due to lack of code optimization in the game.

    • Linuxfox00
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I think they should have called in beta 1 instead.

    • Robert Urlaub
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    you went from completly uninteresting into the only youtuber i have the bell activated in a year and something. your content and editing is godlike. after like 8 years yt content i finaly found someone i can say i wanna watch him till youtube closes. i<3y

    • Justin Holmes Realtor
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Man the rebirth and darkness falls new mods are going tk be crazy

    • Filidh Deklend
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Some of the changes look great, some I’m still on the fence about. Will say though, how TFP shaded IzPrebuilt is pretty low.

    • Nick éS
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is there an option to turn of those silly skulls that take away all sense of immersion and essentially ruin any positive experience? and if not am i forced into running alpha 21?

    • Diogo Ferreira
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    didnt come for console did it?

    • Walter McGarvin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Love your work! I look for your content on what is coming more than I do the actual developers!

    • Mike Brigham
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Lost Trooper
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Love the Thick 44 tribute

    • DiathenEridani
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They put the bellows backwards, when the forge is up against a wall there’s no access to the handles. Still hating the skull difficulty indicator and hope that can be permanently turned off. I don’t like them thinking we’re handicapped and need the handout info. I do like the new looks of everything. Looking forward to playing the update.

    • Flip
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Omg I didn’t know thick passed away 🙁

    • JounLord1
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Not exactly what I was wanting, though I suppose thats every update, but still a lot better then I expected. Some of the graphical improvements are quite nice and I can’t wait to try some of the new POIs in Navisgane or a custom world. Also seriously appreciate the Thicc44 flags. TFP might not always get it right when it comes to the community but nice for them to acknowledge a player that gave an insane amount of entertainment using their game, he and the rest of the Neebs Gaming crew no doubt helped sell a bunch of copies.

    • tonk
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    44 fragments! I litteraly only play and watch ppl like u because of neebs gaming

    • SFDeltaGaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    good showing! Can’t wait to experience it myself. Shout out to the fun pimps for the Thick44 flags, may his memories live on and may we raise a flag in his honor.

    • Classic RolePlaying Gamer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    so alpha 21 is coming out tomorrow i hope so i am so excited to play it.. Also RIP Tony he will be greatly missed to everyone that knew him and prayers to his family and loved ones

    • Mamathar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I dont like the thin with the wires, it looked more humane and how to put it like home when using wires and they were visible

    • Nathan B
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Those skulls have French mustaches in place of mouths for some reason. Intersting choice devs.

    • Alex Hicks
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I would like to let you know. The bloopers at the end earned the 👍

    • Dreadlord Daemon
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Must take how abundant you are finding the books right now, with a grain of salt… TFP always changes the loot tables after streamer weekend…

    • Lorri
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Yes Mr. GNS. Awesome video! The bloopers at the ending is something you MUST keep from now on. When recording an episode, put some bloopers in at the end. It’s such a good idea!

    • Nathan Vosburgh
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i dont see the experimental build?

    • T Riley
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • lowercaseCAPS
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks for all the info! Subbed!

    • bob the janitor
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    3:32 i hope they give an option to turn that off. that will just irate me while i’m exploring

    • Shelbie Dowlearn
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is there a way to access this update now or is it only available on the 12th?

    • Capt’n Crunch
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    what about the new armor sets? did they make it to a21?

    • Mouse
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank you for the video. So excited to play the new alpha!

    • longshotmagoo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    excellent video.
    I’m shocked that with the water changes and massive POI changes the frame rates didnt plummet into the ground like the world economy did in 2008

    • Shady Guy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m a huge fan of the game man, can’t wait to see you play alpha 21, I wanted to play it since alpha 17 but couldn’t really buy it cause it’s very expensive in my country. Do you think I could get a key maybe? Please.

    • Bor Land
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Don’t you mean “7 Days to Die Alpha 21 is here for content creators until June 12th when it will be released to everyone?”

    • Scott Eric
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game will be amazing along with the teragon being finished and Margolis compo packs. The utmost level of immersion and creativity is now possible. I have alot of respect for the fun pimps, they have demonstrated how a game in development can easily make new milestones with the proper level of effort and funding, unlike our poor Ark franchise.

    • M15T3R_N8
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Koodo’s to TFP for the Thick44 Flag addition: good form, good taste…. why is there water coming from my eyes? Shut up im not crying, you’re crying

    • Asbjørn Primdal
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Love your videos, and your positive view on the game, compared to mand otter content creators. 😊

    • SpookyeYT
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i never seen you before you are so handsome lol

    • MrNFL34
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game is the TITS

    • Zevo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    nah if someone hasnt said this already, that intro was so fucking badass my god!!! so glad im subbed, just amazing stuff dude good vid

    • Omac_Achilles
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thick 44

    • Department of cannabis health
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Jus subscribe will this carry over to darkness falls?

    • Sabriinnnaaaa
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    KEY !

    • CrimsonAlpha
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hatches requiring iron bars sounds like a pain. I guess the hatch hallway is going to be a thing of the past.

    • namingsway
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Ok ill be the first to ask apparently …… WHY TF is this shiet still in alpha . Its been abusing EA in steam for ever and ever .

    • ajallen212
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wait, so I no longer have to utterly fight RNG hoping and praying to get a crucible schematic anymore? If I focus my skill points in relevant trees the chances of getting magazines for that skill is increased?!

    Okay I was very apprehensive about the learn by looting system, but this sounds SO GOOD.

    Though I will say, I was one of the people stoked for water to be scarce and to have to actually scavenge in a survival game, Seems like thats not the case sadly.

    • kir44n
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The adjusted traders, POIs and blocks are cool. The learn by reading system is booty. The devs already try to force players to scavenge and loot with the non-craftable items. Forcing people to get books for every recipe just exacerbates this.

    There is a reason most people play this game modded. They devs basically force you to mod the game to make it non-cancerous.

    • QuaDawg
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    7D2D = Best Value of any game – so many hours played for such a low cost. Each Alpha is like a new, slightly better game.

    • Luis Santiago
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • David McClean
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Love your videos – not trying to be an ass but if you could just slow down your talking a wee bit it would be very much appreciated – I have 40% hearing loss and my brain struggles to process with very fast talking speeds. I realise I’m one out of thousands so if it’s not possible then no big deal – I don’t want to be the one asshole that makes you change your amazing content 🙂

    • Epictaco636
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is the shotgun messiah factory and other factory’s getting added back in alpha 21

    • Helios
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    when will they make this game not look like it is played on an old nintendo. the graphics suck

    • William Hagan-deise
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Will this also apply for console too?

    • Henry Morgan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Key please! and thank you!

    • Arkus201
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    hopefully A22 will be the key to golden

    • SYKES
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    first 40 sec and that dog made me WOOOOAGH

    This is top tear video. Excellent work. Probably there is some stuff we will find later too

    • Chef Tragon
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This video was KEY for my excitement!

    • The Kelpie
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    you are giving away a free KEY? OwO

    • Pascalain Dugas
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You have the “KEY” to my heart 😛

    • Not You
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    “I’ve already unlocked a forge by day 7” …. So you are telling me we are going to be drastically hampered in progression. That is not something I’d brag about.

    • Matt Washburn
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Awesome video.

    • Ole Joachim Jonstang
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Maybe the reason that they made the forgettin elixir cheaper, is so that if you’re searching for a specific book you can respec and put points into what you wanna get.

    • Dux
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Man, the game has come a long way since I first played it back in.. wow.. 10 years ago..

    • Twinfox Isutan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You called the Fergettin’ Elixir “Learnin’ Elixir” by accident

    • DoubleD1978
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Looking forward to this one. Congrats on 100k Tem. Love seeing the channel grow!

    • Zaa
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Awesome video!

    • Mark W
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great vid, but these developers did not make this update for us for free. This isn’t a DLC.

    They could finish the game anytime they wanted technically, but they also are certainly still being paid. It’s not our fault the game has been in alpha for 10 years and they still can’t figure out an end game and feel the need to keep fighting with the players. I don’t mind the changes, but having a dev team that hates the way the players play is ridiculous.

    • 1 Gamer Pobre
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Vim representar o brasil e o jogo está totalmente incrivel pqp

    • Thelvaen Mandel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    kinda hurts to be in Week End and not to be able to discover the new Alpha by myself.🤬

    • Porckchop
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I am fully POGed right now

    • Eathan Daniel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Can’t wait to watch and play alpha 21! Thanks guns, nerds, and steel!

    • Rob Guy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Super excited for this coming patch and love being able to watch your preview instead of slogging through the patch notes. It was a bit of a let down to hear the video open with the patch being “live” only to find you meant “live for select streamers”. Monday needs to hurry up.

    • bernie mcfadden
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Tem is easily the best creator at giving these break downs for updates, and tutorials!

    • Ethan Garofolo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I feel hopeful now about learning by looting. Wasn’t looking forward to that, but now I’ll give it an honest chance.

    I still don’t love the water change. I enjoyed forging hundreds of jars and going and filling them. But whatever. From your video it looks like it won’t be that bad.

    The campfire looks sick.

    • mainthreat
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow wasn’t expecting that😢right in the feels.. Long Live the Wyvern King!

    • Overlord Mateus
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The only thing that’s missing is a stealth update

    • Clearly Not A Hobbit
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    TFP need tp hire you to PR and promote.

    • Dee
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    9:00 claiming you read *hundreds* of mags the first day to get basic recipes isn’t the plus you think it is lmao

    • Jamie’s channel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I really like having to go look for books. You need more of a reason to leave the base and explore the world. Just building everything and surviving 7 day horses gets old. Having to actually look for skill books and having the ability to pick which ones you’ll find while looking out in the world is a fantastic idea.

    • Anaximander
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    if water is so easy to get as you claim, what was even the point of the rework? I thought they wanted water to actually matter again?

    • explore games
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Need update for console

    • Nathan Burgett
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Learn by reading is crap. The system before that was crap. Learn by reading is misleading. It should be called learn by Rng. The peak was learn by doing. You wanna get better with a sledge, use sledges. Not sure why they always have to try and reinvent the wheel.

    • Jordan Oneill
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i think they need this guy to sell 7 days lol great video

    • Mr Gibbons
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    44 cloth for the man of the 44 only issue for me is no news of console update

    • Wojciech Procner
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    12:25 sad that we didint get new texture for canned food… Still we have that strange looking bread 🙁

    • AeronwenV
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m so excited to play the new update!!! It looks so good so far 🙂

    • Dorkusaurus
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This looks fantastic, thanks for the layout.

    • DeltaSlush
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    If your running a 4090 I wonder how well lesser gpus will take these areas.

    • J Pendersen
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m looking forward to the changes, especially the books.

    • darkage5
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    How people are so happy with the crumbs the Nerf pimps throw you. Learn by crafting is basically the old way of leveling up your skills but with extra steps. Who has 1500 at the start of the game? But I bet you had plenty of glass jars. And the stone tools. Are you kidding me that you have to buy that crap until you level up when you can make it for free? And you sheeple are excited for this? Seriously? Stone tools should be something you start out with only. Until you loot or buy something better. Not being found and definitely not in air drops or sold. By that same idiots logic you should be able to sell stone tools too then. I will do the smart thing and wait for the overhaul mods to come out and fix all this crap.

    • Xoth
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I see that bandits are finaly in the game……. ohh wait they are not

    • Nik Spoons
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    last grasp for views, we have seen all of this

    • Ahira01
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Long live the human man warrior

    • Jack Bennett
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Seems very solid! Really like a lot of the changes. Not enough to get me to play it. Random world generation was sometting I thought really sucked life out of the game and I’m glad for other people that it is improved, but I’m not interested in it because of how bad the questing used to suck on those maps. I really wanted an updated interesting map. Navezgane will bore you to shreds after 20-40 hours even if you haven’t explored the whole map. And the trader quest system is a big part of what keeps the game redundant and pointless. When those two things are reworked or like if questing gets a MEGA bunch of things added then I’ll check it out! Seems like a nice update. I just feel like after a few hours I’ll just be back to spending all my time on building still

    • Nathan Stevenson
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I have slowly been convinced that the changes are good. New animations are great. I like the perk changes. I like the crafting of certain lvls are resource difference. Looks great. My biggest critique personally is not a fan of the weird animations of your own character. Hands always naked when wearing gloves. Realistically you dont just have your hand always out in front of you i would totally love an over haul of the character next in animation and graphics

    • Hogweed Blitz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Awesome video. One thing I was looking to see is the paint swatches. They had such limited choices for decorating buildings outside solid colors. I was hoping to see many more building faces like columns or stone/marble decor to build some fancy looking buildings… Hope they did some good upgrades there!

    • Jack Bennett
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wait they actually RUINED the lumberjack 😭😭😭give that new voice to a new zombie gtfo!!

    • SaberRunTV
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hey fuck you fun pimps…. I didn’t want to cry during an update review 🙁 we miss you thick

    • Jack Bennett
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Water update is cool

    • Jorge Diaz H.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great news! And thank you so much for such detailed video. Love your channel

    • Xalderin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This looks freaking amazing. Holy moly! Really excited to play this now. ^-^

    • Cody Casey
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You mentioned that your character was level 1 while showing the trader stage off, but your character had an oddly specific 124 HP and stamina (Implying a level 24 character). Was that a minor mistake while showcasing or perhaps a bug of scaling your level via console commands?

    Phenomenally crafted video nevertheless. Keep it up.

    • Karen Ingram
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Looting is my favorite thing to do in game, so I’m pretty happy with the changes to magazines, skills, and schematics. For my friends who prefer to focus on base building, I can understand how that might be a little frustrating, but I don’t think it will be TOO bad of an adjustment for them. As for the graphics, wow, A21 is looking amazing. The Thick tribute flag was a very nice touch, too.

    • D.A.R.K. Kyugara
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Question about the performance: Did you test the Higashi Tower with the horde night together? I think this is the ultimate test since both zombies and POI reduces FPS.

    • Bboy TapeDeck
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks for the great work and bloopers!😂 ✊🏾✌🏾👍🏾

    • Astebrooke
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    My only issue with the new learn by reading system is it seems unnatural. By providence your interests are suddenly rewarded with increased discovery on those specific topics? There are two suggestions I’d give to the devs if they weren’t almost done with the update.

    1: Add a new catch-all kind of book styled like the off-grid survivor style information you can find on YouTube, which adds a point to a random crafting skill you have a focus in. This would indicate in the issue you read that it may have had pertinent info on homemade weapons, or hunting gear, or clothing, etc. but you can’t expect to spec into pistols and magically find a bunch of magazines on pistols showing up. What it would mean, lore-wise, is that your skill focus means you can understand information from that catch-all magazine thereby giving you crafting skill improvements in your foci. Without the focus you just didn’t understand what it had to teach.
    2: Add a toggle to the world menu that allows the host to turn off the focused magazine generation and just roll a random magazine whenever it would have rolled your higher chance one. This way the players who want to take longer finding the books they need and feeling a greater sense of discovery when they do won’t have any legitimate complaint about that. It also means if you majority find random books that aren’t in your focus, you might respec into what you’ve found books for more easily than if you’re like “nope, this is my build and I’ll just tough it out.”

    My two oversized cents.

    • R̷a̷t̷n̷i̷k̷
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The way the presented this updated made it sound pretty unpleasant, however, in action it’s actually pretty nice.

    • Jade
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Maybe you’re right about the new learning system but for me I absolutely hate it because it forces a playstyle on people that before didn’t happen. Before when someone could spend a few days focused on building they would be just as leveled up as the person who went out and focused on looting, Now as far as I’m aware it will no longer be the case and I just can’t help but think that’s incredibly lame.

    • Kaziglu
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I think the Fun Pimps should get you to do their update announcements since you explained this all a lot better then they did.

    • MrHammertime82
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So hyped for Monday!

    • 2Fat4Airborne
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    awesome paced video – understood everything – not a single minute was tedious or boring to watch. Thank you very much for youre good work.

    • Wizzard Rincewind
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank you and greetings from germany 🖖

    • Frank Valenzuela
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This probably won’t run on my old POS computer anymore 🙁

    • Rob Noel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No, we’re waiting for gold after alpha 22 so they don’t completely ghange game mechanics again.

    • weldabar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Oh drool! I’m taking Monday afternoon off.

    And I look forward to your revised tutorial over the next while.

    • wolfman011000
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Do infested tier 5 POI’s offer loot in the build it’s self and or better end loot? or are the traders simply offering better rewards? And for context the FPS was with a RTX 4090, so i expect my amd gfx to suck goatballs.

    • Anthony Ugarte
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m really looking forward to coming back for another play through once this Alpha drops

    • Undergoing Sin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Will they, if they add NPCs.. its a rap.. this would be the only game I would need to play…

    • beans
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’d like it if they updated the weapons, vehicles, zombies, and the player… all those models making them look more real and sound more real because its all kind of old. Maybe they could add some more types of zombies, guns, and vehicles that would be awesome
    Crossing my fingers for alpha 22 🤞

    • Syphon583
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Tem, please add more bloopers to your videos. That was fantastic! 😆

    • T Peel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Can’t thank you enough for this episode! My anxiety is peaked and ready for A21 weekend. Go get ’em Tem!

    • Gem
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The bloopers are the best bit LOL. Thanks so much for all your hard work bringing us amazing content. I don’t comment often but I watch every video. None of your work goes unnoticed or unappreciated!

    • mecoloji
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    thanks buddy <3

    • Atto
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Absolutely made up they’ve included a tribute to Thick44 – nice one TFP. I also think we should remember that most of us have paid once for this game, no subscription charges, no paid dlc and No micro transactions. I paid £14 gbp for this game and have gotten about 800 hours of enjoyment out of it so far. That’s pretty good value for money in my book!

    • SirBlump
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Love the outtakes 😂

    • alexis162103
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Do we know if Navazgane was updated to include the new POIs?
    Or should we random generate a map if we want to experience the new content?

    • Branden Reed
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    considering alpha 21 is not out yet is this information from the twitch stream that happened Wednesday?

    • NoSlack
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game will never leave alpha.

    • John Gillan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank you for your information video

    • Craig Sutton
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    think you should’ve mentioned that the new update isn’t actually out. only for content creators

    • Joe Fontenot
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Stellar video and info!! Concise info dump, no long drawn out fluff. I appreciate your review style, A+ man!

    • Labrat
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video, but that’s expected from the best youtuber on the platform

    • MeatBagShorts
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Most excited I’ve been for a game 🤙

    • Hunts Alone
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks for the info!

    • Crymson Ranger
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks for the update, you renewed my interest in the new patch!

    • Gaming After50
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks Tem, great info! 👍

    • ::: KETCHUP :::
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great review, thx!!

    • nrak
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    are rank 3 items always better than rank 2 or are they still random like before?

    • Buckaroo Banzai
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’ve been looking forward to this but with no small amount of trepidation. Now I’m just purely excited. Thanks for the great update video!

    • Reach1122
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    ❤ Thick44 ❤

    • TRAUSS
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    holy cow, I’m gonna need to ready myself for sleep deprivation.. very excited!😲

    • NDN Doll
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Fantastic video Tem! As always! So SO excited for this Alpha and all the changes! Thanks for all the great updates! 💜 I totally LOL’ed at the very end. 🤣 “what was I saying next?!”

    • Blaine Bickle
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    That water improvement is much better than expected! They said you can’t do waterfalls, but what you created is pretty much a waterfall, just isn’t once the pit is filled to the top

    • Lazeera
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Loved the content and the bloopers at the end are awesome. Great job as always.

    • digital wayfarer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No more spear-throwing?! Noo. Love the water and the chunk reset option, though. Game looks awesome. Respect to Thick44.

    • Kyle addy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So is the game worth coming back to for another play through? or do i need to wait another year and a half for another update?

    • Technicality
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Good stuff, thanks for the detailed coverage of changes.

    • Genma Gamer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    LEAVE LIKE…that is hilarious!

    • juan carlos
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    3 min in the video is just getting better each min

    • Nevabeen-Smart
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Nerfed water, nerfed traders, nerfed hatches, zombies eat dead animals, perk rework that is basically the same as usual with extra steps, a mod that has been available for years is incorporated, vehicle damage is as bad as everyone thought it would be. As far as I’m concerned this is just more art polish and fuck our players. But hey, to each their own I guess. Guess we’ll see a final release and console version in 2055 or somethin.

    • J-P
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Can’t wait for the new Alpha, new tips & tricks and new playthroughs!! OMG and the MODS!! Please be sure to keep us updated on some great mods! The fire mod and DLX weapon fix were gems!

    • Kenny X
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Question, in other video’s, it was said there was a new electricty system (or something like that) where you had to disable something first, before you could proceed further. Has that been delayed to the next update or did I miss you mentioning it?

    • Jewelz Jiuliani
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hell yeah this is gonna be so rad salute ill be tuned in brotha

    • Monique van Dijk Adema
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I dont like the removal of empty jars i think the water collector would have been a great addition if they kept the original system as well i think the new system is not as immersive because the bottles dissapear when you drink from them right? I dont like the poi tier system either can i turn the skulls of? Other then that i think they made alot of amazing changes as wel i just hope they keep tuning the game until its perfect

    • score gamer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hey Tem…. 😘 Much appreciated 👍

    • Spartan_Prepper
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Not planning on watching any of the live streams. Would rather play and experience things fresh. So I will wait, begrudgingly

    • Major Nikita
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    gotta say, some pretty nice stuff on the whole.

    side note: i really wish they fixed the sights on the guns, i hate how narrow and tall they are

    • IchbinX
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This game is the definition of Stockholm Syndrome. We’re happy about stuff that should have been in there for years.

    • Jay S
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No new zombies, no new traps…. boring update.

    • Stephen Ludovici
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    42 cloth fragments

    • Fredrik513
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    my friends dont like the learn by reading. but I do. cant wait to play it. over 1000 hrs in the game so far. so good with a new way of doing things 😀

    • Josiah Ens
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is this going to be on xbox or just pc

    • Blaine Bickle
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m holding off judgement for learn by reading, but I will say this. It seems great for single player, but for coop, I just don’t see how it will keep things balanced. We usually have 1 person who has points into better loot. Now I still have everyone looting everything and just save the loot designated person for the more “special” loot, so as long as the magazines are plentiful in regular loot and not mostly special loot, it may work out. Can’t wait to try it out with my gang 🙂

    • Nick Schaffer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I am beyond stoked about console staying somewhat relevent 😂

    • Jason
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Now I gotta take more time off work to keep up with GNS A21 stuff!

    • SlothGod
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is 7 days to die alpha 21 already released?

    • Sorat
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thought the game would get a performance buff with the new Alpha, but it seems it’s gonna run poorly still

    • blackus
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    trader is nerfed hard jeez

    • Chef Tragon
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i love the bloopers at the end rofl

    • Blaine Bickle
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m unclear what the difference between the red and orange skulls are in the difficulty indicator

    • Malgus Kerensky
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank you for the summary and looking forward to a lot more A21 videos. The question about performance is if this finally fixes the Zombie melee issue that has plagued 7d2d servers for several versions now? (e.g. zombies melee hits due to desync)

    • Cyberian Wolf
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I don’t understand. Alpha 21 has not released yet.

    • dawningark
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I dont even play this game but I love the content, Tem. Keep it up 🎉

    • Highwind 600
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You know what’s intuitive and logical? Learn by doing lol. I dunno I’ll see when I play it but a lot of very pretty things updated but a lot of unwanted things happened too.

    • G Artist
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Can we get rid of cross hairs or is that forever in this game?

    • isoSwifty
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wait how do respec with the new magazine only skill leveling?

    • Jay MacLean
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Awe. Loved the bloopers at the end. A bit tongue tied there.

    • FooBar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    BLOOPER REEL!!! Huzzah!
    Also, high and tight lookin sharp sir 🙂

    • Matthew Reeves
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Best 7dtd Youtuber right now. Content, explanation, editing, all top tier.

    • isoSwifty
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I could love to play it tonight after work. It looks amazing but nope… Got to wait through the entire weekend

    • Anthony Susi
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Long Live the Wyvern King!!

    • FooBar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wonder if the “chunk reset timer” will wipe out horde bases that don’t have a land claim block…

    • Psychomantys
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Regarding performance, what specs do you have?

    • Sean D Sarcasm
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    one of the new Poi’s is directly from darkness falls which is cool, It seems like most of the changes are copies of darkness falls which is the better version so this is gonna be great.

    • FooBar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So… the “dew” collector is actually a raincatcher… since you have to clear out the block above it >.>

    • Aaron Harr
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow wow so exciting can’t wait for your new videos and to start playing will definitely start with the spear build looks awesome. Thanks for informational videos keep up the amazing work.

    • Hamun002
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    I’ll load it up. One more time.

    • Zeruel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Yoo official POI Names! My friends and I usually refer to them as their prefab names unless there’s a sign like Red Mesa and such.
    It’ll be easier since not everyone knows every prefab name lol

    • Daniel Young
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This is one of the things I love about 7days. It keeps getting better. This update has got me so excited to start playing again. Great video!

    • FooBar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow, so daring adventurer is the new sex rex eh? Looks like one you absolutely wanna pump points into to max it out…

    • Sean D Sarcasm
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The Dew Collector being stolen directly from rust is a bit weird NGL.

    • Eurydice
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Ah, the bloopers. Thanks Tem, hope you snag some quality naps sometime in the next month.

    • FooBar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hopefully instead of nerfing the hell out of clubs they simply brought the other weapons in line with them… >.>

    • Gronal
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    TFP need to hire you imo, you sold this way better than they did

    • FooBar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    hmm, redoing the borderline series, where you drink a fergetin’ elixir every morning, definitely sounds like something that would be a good idea 😉

    • elevown
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When does it go live for the public? Ive just checked and no A21 experimental yet..

    • Neil
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    its not out yet its a streamer weekend

    • BigTimeEKnight
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Well there’s goes my fun lol my potato could barely handle the og graphics . Looks nice

    • Natalie Kramer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    OMG thank you Tem for the amazing break down of Alpha 21. Im so looking forward to watching all my favorite You tubers like you who make me smile in their play thrus. This new alpha is gonna rock so to the amazing developers. You are kick ass.

    • meatloafTHEman
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You scored Gold with this video.

    • comment for the algorithm
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    comment for the algorithm

    • Dogma13 Gaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Looking forward to this alpha. Being able to craft lower tier tools and weapons is a game changer.

    • Heather Carbaugh
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Did anyone else see the dog laying down? The head shots on them will be harder to get.

    • Allurapre
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I can’t wait until you start doing the tutorials on how to play. I played a long time ago and recently started it up but it changed so much I haven’t a clue anymore. Also I love your content, thank you for taking the time to share with us.

    • Chary Perez
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I can’t wait to see the streams this weekend and to play on Monday. Thank you for this update.

    • Diane
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Omg it’s startingggggg! Been waiting for your videos!

    • Andreas Grundler
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Bernd aka Bauer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    When is the release

    • Oh So HM02
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Update definitely looks better in action than it sounded when described originally. Can’t wait to try it myself!

    • W1se0ldg33zer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great job.
    Are we still getting the natural gas pipe fires we have to shut off with valves? I’m kind of not liking that – because you wouldn’t see that but only in the immediate aftermath of the apocalypse.

    • Andreas Grundler
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I have to say this video did a much better job of explaining the changes and answering more questions than any announcement from the Fun Pimps posted on the forum. They should hire you as community manager.

    • Barrie Tamkin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    My biggest fear is I’m playing on a basic laptop and any upgrades may Really kill my ability to play the game

    • Nico
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Belegorn
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    wow se ve muy malo eso de los libros… demonios :_(

    • i dont know
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    ive been playing this game since like 2016 or 2017 and found it by markipliers old 2013 video about it and i played it on console and i fell in love with it, i was scared as hell during the night cuz how dark it is on console but during 2020 i saw that mark made a video on it and it was all updated and i hipped but then i quickly learned that 7 days on console was locked so 7 days to die was mostly the main reason i also got into pc gaming in general and i love the devs for making a really good game

    • I’mNotBehindYou
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Not trying to be a bummer but maybe next time you do a video and cover performance you should say what you have in your system. The FPS numbers don’t mean squat when we do not know your hardware specs. For instance do you have an old 4770k and a GTX 1070 or a newer 5800X3D paired with a RTX 4090 or RX 7800 XTX.

    Besides that great video and very informative. I find it funny the drinking water changes don’t really matter. To me that says they could have spent that dev time somewhere more meaningful. Like possibly getting the raiders in the game maybe? Just my opinion though.

    • Alex R Adr
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • blackforestbaby
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    great vid! and love the new graphics and objects!

    • Aww Yeaa
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Watt Boat
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    We love you tem! Much love from ohio ❤. You always output such excellent content. Never found a content creator so proficient at what they do on my reccomended page as you. So glad i found your page a year ago

    • BlackRain
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Very nice🤩🤩🤩🤩

    • VoltraLux
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Might be one of the few people who is more interested in your editing style than the content sometimes haha

    • Pastz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Oh so finally you can make a water base underneath without worrying some missing water blocks above it.

    • SBC Haevok
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Regarding learn by looting: I absolutely have no problem with it for MY playstyle. However, I play with some players that love the building/base care aspects and don’t go on a lot of POI raids. Just seems punishing to certain playstyles. Part of the Fun Pimps “play the game the way we want” mentality.

    • Gwen Hembrock
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks for such a succinct review of new features. I usually don’t mess around with mods, but I’ll be looking for a way to get rid of that box that shows the name and difficulty level of of POIs and areas. I don’t need or want that kind of handholding!

    • BelShamaroth
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Who cleans the buildings? all floors are shiny.
    Thank you for the intro of the new 21

    • Dann6543
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Welp. As someone who doesn’t use trader and plays with half loot. I’m prob gonna have to just give myself the water filters. Shame. But we’ll see.

    • Wilfrid Berjot
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    « Modern » graphic. Sure please just don’t look the ground XD

    • CampFIN
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I don’t even play the game that much, only got 70h in the pass few years that I’ve owned it and I’m still excited for the update 😀

    • RunninK
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    My biggest issue with the learn by reading is that it extends current content instead of actually adding more content. Also, it forces people to play a specific game style (raiding) instead of being able to choose which sucks for an open world.

    • Avius L
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I still think they should scrap the magazine thing. There’s nothing more tedious than being completely halted because you can’t find X schematic. Just having millions of magazines everywhere will get old real quick, imo. Some people actually enjoy staying in one area, relaxing and building, etc. I don’t think that “aah, they’ll get used to it and then they won’t mind as much” is a good developer strategy, nor an excuse to not listen to their community. And….how do we gain points towards sprinting stamina, etc? Will that still be in Skill upgrades or will we have to find a magical magazine for that too? I’m worried… Been a 7DTD fan for 8+ years.

    • Fortov Channel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No bandits Factions?

    • David O Donovan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great work Temreki. Legend man

    • matthew Hammett
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    can someone explain to me why us 7D OGs’ need to wait until after the weekend?

    • Slave
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Tem, the Endparts are so good
    gives me some flashbacks of old Jacki Chan Movies

    • Mark Davenport Jr
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Awesome I am totally looking forward to the update! 🙂

    • Andy Biscuits
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Excited to try the update. Also, love the shoutout to Thick44.

    • Bo Jo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Looking forward to the blitz of content coming up. Thank you for your hard work. The channel’s about to blow up!

    • BluePhoenix
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Always with the BEST content and explanations dude! Thanks for your dedication and hard work!

    • CraftyCarnivore
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I am so excited for this Alpha. I have been playing since Alpha 11 and this is STILL my favorite game. This by far looks like it will be there best Alpha yet. Thank YOU for such great quality videos.

    • Dah_Rawh
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank you so damn much for this GNS! Done so much for the community and we are forever grateful for this. Hopefully you’ll jumped to millions of subscribers very soon! 🙏👏

    • IzPrebuilt
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Im really happy to see they got the water to actually work after that stream where it just didnt lol

    • Andreas Grundler
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The thing about Learn by Reading is that I haven’t been able to find any information on how this is balanced in relation to the game stage and how much looting is required to keep up with the game stage.

    I love building large bases and often take a break from looting for several weeks while I build. During this time, my level and of course the gamestage increases, but the crafting skills remain at the same level. So the concern is that eventually my gear will not keep up with the gamestage. Also I usually pushed into advanced engineering with the skill points I recieved from upgrading blocks and unlocked the traps to finish my bases.

    • Gaming Scrubs101
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    It really sucks Xbox won’t get these changes and update 😢

    • Stashsquatch
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks for the video! I can’t wait for all your upcoming content!

    • r00tbeer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I bought this game 8 years ago for $20. Best money i’ve ever spent! Can’t wait to play A21!

    • James Davis
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    First off always love your content bro, good stuff. Secondly I have to say tha The Fun Pimps honestly are amazing! Commemorating Thick first off was awesome and now all this amazing work theyve done and giving it to us, all the other devs out there that have stopped loving the gaming community should take note that this is how you treat your fan base and community, not charging them full price for the same game again just because it updated graphics, yeah, Im looking at you Snail Games! But again, amazing work on the game Fun Pimps and awesome video, all the love to you guys!❤

    • Dan DuBois
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    sheesh, that’s your FPS with 13900k and a 4090? 🙁 my 1080 ti and 8600k are going to struggle still I guess

    • Michal O.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Does the water collector get filled quicker when it is raining?

    • Voyteck
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    FunPimps really worked hard and very much appreciated, I hope we won’t have to wait another 2 years for new player models and armor.

    • sman776
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This update sounds like fun. I’m still not thrilled about the removal of glass jars but now it feels more like a nitpick and not an actual problem.

    • WOLFYyy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    when is the update gonna actually drop?

    • stavik96
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    4:51 in other words better barter as a perk has really lost its value.

    8:03 I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t the worst system they’ve decided to try out. I’ll give it a try at some point once I am done with the new black desert content coming out next week but I am 100% prepared to be disappointed and mod the game back to a better progression system.
    I’d rather just have a more realistic system though, get better at crafting by crafting, by using, by dismantling etc. Make enough stone axes and your stone axes will improve in quality but also partially increase the quality of other stone tools and higher grade axes like iron and to some extent, steel.

    11:16 3? damn that’s some big jars you got if that barrel can only fill 3 of them.
    Although since empty jars are removed does that mean the dew collector also makes the jar for you through magic?

    17:01 Good for horde night but yikes, even worse performance the rest of the week… and here people wanted better optimization.

    • Ron Didden
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank You ! for a GREAT Video!

    • 1Soul
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    so we can play a21 now?

    • Gorilla Gaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Good stuff mate. Great break down. Update looks promising can’t wait.

    • Whorhay Del Fuego
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Really tempting to take a week off work and play this over D4.

    • Mateus Sousa
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    still no legendary / unique items that you can only find wither by adventuring or crafting , no new weapons ,no new mods for weapond or armour , no new armour ………

    • Turbo Flea
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    With the greater focus on trader specializations, I really hope random gen worlds got better about trader variance. I always seem to have like 6 Rekts to every 1 of another, lol.

    That water filter helmet mod might be worth a consider these days if it’s still in the game.

    Looking forward to all the coverage from you and the community over the weekend and beyond. A21 hype!

    • Raycar
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Brian Cantley
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    You need to hire someone to say, “Action!” and “Cut!” while you are doing your videos to work through bloopers. I think Jen will do that nicely.

    • 5leepyJoe
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They made this update for free you say…

    • Game Gravy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So the helipads were big fat nothing burgers as well?

    • Stephen L
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Well so far…I may have talked shit too soon, however I still really only play undead legacy now

    • Sean D Sarcasm
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video man!

    • Taranto Gamer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    can’t wait to play the new alpha looks like they work hard on it and love the way you now have to really work for your goods i love games like that and love the content you make so far thank you

    • Josh Howard
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Interesting, my fears have been assuaged about this Alpha. Looking forward to exploring this new world. Also, yes, words are hard. 🙂

    • Sion Toh
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    How would learn by looting affect co-op play?

    • Stephen L
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I surprisingly like the removal of sexy rexy.

    • Kaleb Albritton
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hyped, wish it was monday already man

    • Gee Palmer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank you so much for the great information.

    • Ando Here
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    it’s so nice of them to add Thick 44’s flag on these new update, also these new feature looks fantastic

    • KSKDaredevil
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    A big thank you Tem for ur work and this summary of Allha 21. Good job by you and the Pimps. Like to see how my favourite game builds up more and more. Well, we all know how slow the Pimps are in development but this alpha shows me, whats most important. They took their time, listened to the Community and build a solid update. Keep it going Pimps and you too Tem. Like your videos no matter if they are tips, summaries or Gameplay. You do a great job and I cant imagine how hard this work is, but the quality of your Content show me your passion. See you next time and have a great day.

    • godfatherofbloedniss
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    just one question: did they rework the navezgane map too? i love the standard map but it was outdated

    • DeathVulture
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Does this mean im gonna be prim locked until i have like a boatload of magazine to get pipe guns, i usually dont use bows and melee, the only melee.i use was the survival knife as it can one hit a zombie, first day i usually have a pipe pistol amd a handful of bullets now it seams itll take at least a week ingame time befkre i have viable weapons

    • Stephen L
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Anybody know when undead legacy will be ready?

    • Gamin4Hope
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The Fun Pimps seem to have CRUSHED this Alpha. I’m excited to try it come Monday! 😄

    I loved the bloopers at the end, Tem. 😂

    • Keeper 1978
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Oh wow I did not know about thick 44 , just wow 😢😢

    • Michael G.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I have to say your editing techniques, mixture of content and you voiceover commentating really shines in this video. Especially your voiceover throughout the whole video is very professional. I really enjoy your videos, I watched your vids back in the early days and I think many will agree with me when I say you have evolved a lot. Keep it going and good luck for your future projects.

    • Universal G
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Two skulls for the biomes with half skulls, Why not just make it 5 just like the POI… Strange.

    • Gunslinger SyayoRPG/CRPG
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I really wish this next update gonna add first person player equipment armor model, if not I hope they did bring that up into next alpha, or beta or gold whatever lol

    • Shayan Khan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This update is absolutely massive

    • Zeebark
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks, great information 🙂 I get the bloopers at the end, I’ve done it a million times when recording! 😀

    • Black Sheep
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So only streamers got early access?

    • john coombes
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Fly high wyvern king

    • K A
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So every base needs a thick sign? got it <3 great video

    • dimitris klg
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    do we know if its more optiomized that the previous versions??? (regarding older systems and not gtx40 series ones) cause my pc was really struggling already, and it seems that with such level of textures remodeling this is going to be uplayable 🙁

    • Craig Nichols
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks for staying positive on all the changes and giving things a fair chance!

    Looking forward to all your content 😁

    • Zenkai76
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Yes! This has been what I am waiting for! Thanks for the fast coverage!

    • Sarah Butterfield
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video! Loved the bloopers at the end

    • Jonny C
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    how much for a zip of your 7d2d folder 😛

    • redlars
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    How do one make molotovs now?

    • Crab Clown Jimmy
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Candid outtakes were fire! ha ha ha Also, I REALLY wanted some commentary on the sleeping dog animation in the first minute of the video!!! HOLY SMOKES!

    • Yissnakk Lives!
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    For your “performance” report, could you provide a bit of context? What resolution are you running? Your rig (according to the info above) is running a 4090 on an i9 platform. What resolution are you running? For those FPS, it had to be 4k, based on that my build is significantly less robust but at 1440p ultra I’m getting around >100 at pretty much all times, ignoring the random dips in performance, with it generally getting above 120fps outside cities, ~100FPS in cities and dips into the 70’s when there are a bunch of zombies and a few buildings on fire (the fire mod) sooo…res?


    • Shayan Khan
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    7 Days to Die Alpha 21 is finally here

    • V1u2l3k4a5n6
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    <3 for u and <3 <3 <3 for the devs!!!!

    • Jesse A
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I’m really interested in performance on this update. Could you state what resolution you were running and with what components?

    • Rawlow Games
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Temreki Temcam

    • Zelene
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I think performance should be a priority any time you make updates.. Horde night still needs to be way way waaay better so does the big POI’s

    • blueSKies
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This update is absolutely MASSIVE, thanks for the video too, I’m all excited.

    • jonathan briskey
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Man… I LOVE 7 days… and this shit looks so cool… I can’t wait to get in and play it. Awesome content as always!

    • belgnbor
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    No one has covered if there are more painting options then before, what paint designs are available.

    • Ralph Pootawn
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Appreciate the recap. The changes look really nice!

    • AverageMusicEnjoyer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Wow what a high quality video with some exclusive footage, love it.

    • proxy4
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Does anyone know when this will be available to the public?

    • Whiteraven
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I am so hyped for A21 but i can’t start until after my exams otherwise i would fail greatly 😅

    • TheCypliux
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I have:
    ryzen 7 3700x
    32gb RAM
    rtx 3090

    game is on m.2 ssd
    monitor 1440p 60hz
    and settings are on low and very few (one or two) is on medium or high. Game runs like absolute garbage when in the city. Blood moon varies from as low as 5 fps (not joking) to 60 (cause of v-sync) . I don’t understand how you get these frame rates. My gpu runs up to 30% max, cpu maybe above 15% , single core getting around to 60-70%. Ram usage reaches around 12GB. What the hell? Any solutions? ( Watched more than a few videos on that to no avail.)

    • Blind Bat
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    This looks so sweet! I’m stoked!

    • Sharon K.
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The graphics change was my biggest concern. I was afraid the changes would make playing on my laptop not plausible, I have played the console version for many years, and I have finally gotten a laptop. I have to play with graphics on low, but this video made my fear up the upgrades less. Love your videos, sir

    • michel klepsattel
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hey Tem, great vid! For me 17:14 this is a debatable point, we paid for the finished product which hasn’t been delivered after… 10 years? Don’t get me wrong, 7dtd is one of my favorite games and i have always looked forward to every update. For me that sentence about free updates only holds water for the absolutly insane modders who dedicated years to modding 7dtd for our enjoyment.

    • TheGamingRift
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Now we just need this masterpiece on Console

    • Carlos Eduardo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Bryce Bowers
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Let’s go!

    • Cellfire
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    more bloopers

    • Don Pfoutz
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The update looks fantastic. I can’t wait to play or watch streams. 🤗👏🤟

    • Romahkiin
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Super le bêtisier à la fin ! 😂 C’est nouveau et j’adore. ❤ Merci pour les infos. 😉

    • Wojciech Procner
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I knew it!! Everybody complain about learn by looting… And i knew it that is a Good Change…. Everybody complain how this impact to the game…everybody judge this before trying… Thank you for showing as how this works!

    • Bear
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thanks Devs ♥️👍🏻

    • Rudi van der Walt
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    oooo we need more bloopers!!

    • JaRyCu
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Awesome recap dude!

    • Destroyer Of Nations
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I swear I’d kill for this stuff to be on Xbox

    • Nick B
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    cant wait cant wait cant wait :3

    • Joe Hemmann
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    On the performance, FPS under relatively mundane circumstances is of less interest than that big stutter that comes when you’re in a POI and a wandering horde or screamer horde generates nearby while you’re fighting some soldiers. How’s that “lots of entities loading in all at once” lag spike in 21?

    • Janko Hrasko
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    game now looks better, like the QOL changes now need to wait for modders to update they mods

    • vanisloo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    much respect to TFP for adding the THICK 44 flag

    • Zlatan Morrison
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I tend to do no trader playthroughs as I feel they trivialize gameplay – what will this mean in Alpha 21, no water filters etc as they are extremely difficult to find out in the ‘wild’ in loot? nice vid tho, good info in there.

    • Ivann Souza
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I was skeptical about the performance increase and turns out I was right, good thing I didn’t had any expectation that it would get better, the rest of the changes looks super great, can’t wait to play it on Monday.

    • Catnips
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Forever remembered Thick. Time to go get Thick’d

    • Kenny Blake
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Been holding off starting a new play though for months, so hyped for the update! Just started the vid but I already know I love it 🙂

    • Hunlight
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I hoped for better performance. hoarde nights are good of course, but god dammit in cities and those t5 pos all my friends and me had like 10fps 😀 so having even less now might be bad.

    • scott
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    In multiplayer can you use the items if you havent read the magazine?

    • Just a commenter
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Deeply appreciate the commemoration of Tony via the Thick44 flags. RIP Tony, you’re greatly missed and will never be forgotten

    • Ali Nova
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    bro im so happy empty cans and empty jars are gun no more ADHD for me xD.

    • Decoy Gaming
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    AWESOME! love the mis-words, i might be having a stroke for the right term here. lol

    • Skelly
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Glad to hear the new learn by reading system and water changes aren’t as bad as the sky is falling people made it sound to be. I had a feeling it would be fine, but I guess TFP kinda sold the changes badly. You laid out the changes nicely.

    Are you finding a lot of glue? I heard they upped the drop rate on glue and I think traders offer it more?

    • Kes Devilsbane
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Thank you so much for the insider info and the mini blooper segment at the end

    • Nisa Young
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The bloopers at the end 😊 ❤ . You give such professional well done videos . Thank you for providing this so excited 🙌

    • PopeClemensIIX
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They paid you to defend the book system so hard??

    • MakuManor
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I cannot wait to try this out myself, so far the update makes the game look and seem to feel more polished than before

    • MrEndzo
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    The update that will melt my GPU?

    • TheCybercoco
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    They chose showcase week to come out with this. Not the best timing.

    I think you’re misrepresenting the water controversy a bit. The problem seems to be more of a consistency problem than a water scarcity one. People don’t understand how water can be gathered by hand but not by container from a water source. Just makes no sense. I think many of us who look at things strategically understood this change wasn’t going to affect how much water we can get by much at all, but just ends up automating everything. So it just defeats the purpose that TFP claimed was the intent behind it. Definitely flies in the face of their reasoning for not having farm animals but insisting we risk hunting out in the wild. There is just no consistency in what they’re doing with survival, and it makes no sense logically.

    And not a free update. Don’t attribute free to something that was paid for already. This is early access, not some post launch content. It better NOT cost more to get the complete game.

    • Maddy’s House of Geek
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Nice update, dude!

    • Mick Maus
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    I think the Fun Pimps sold the update badly, the way you lay it out makes it sound excellent.

    • Gerard Mooney
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • RuddyPeter
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    RIP Thick44

    • Ski
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Great video tem, although I am a bit bummed you don’t start a series into this update completely blind. Though, I understand its your job to get views and content to grow 🙂

    • Ric Hill
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Hope you make this a Lincoln and not a pinto. I’m on the fence about this. Console gamer.

    • s0rd3z
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Can’t wait for the new series, are some of these shots from the one starting tomorrow? That looks like a new version of the Undead Legacy base iirc

    • Ronald Futcher
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So you have been play testing Alpa 21 before the streamer weekend?

    • KOKODA
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Curtis Morris
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Is that vanity tower modeled after the building Neo steps off of in the newest Matrix movie? Looks an awful lot like that roof!

    • Gore Obsessed
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Guess I should play som again

    • Redskin Peres
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    anyway, really anxious for the update. LFG!!!!!

    • Burakovic
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    i just hope i don’t get shitty fps :V

    • Dave Cisneros
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    “Hunter’s Journal vol 7 now refers to humanoids and zombies” As I said. Now we have clarity and people can stop selling the best book in the game.

    • Andro Jackson
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    this game is perfect for me…all i needed is a good optimization

    • Catherine Spann
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So excited!!! 💜

    • Son Goku
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    Finally. Great update.

    • Ana La Australiana
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    finally!!!! so excited for what you will be posting!

    • Capt Cray
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    So hyped for this coming out and looking forward to what your new series will be

    • Marc Grünauer
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Xiaver Lucio
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Lions Knights Airsoft
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am

    First commeeeenttt

    • Redskin Peres
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am


    • Redskin Peres
    • 2023年 7月 09日 8:35am
